Chapter 8

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Harry's POV

I texted Louis telling him I was at his front door, so he knows I'm here. Knowing him, I'm pretty sure this is his first time sneaking out of his house. He's such an innocent little kid and it's cute. Of course I have feelings for Louis. He's so sweet and little and smart and just the complete package. I don't know if he feels the same though. I would hope he does, but if not than this just isn't for me. The door springs open and Louis comes into my sight wearing maroon skinny jeans, a t-shirt, and a grey cardigan. This is by far my favorite outfit on him.

"Hey." I smile at him.

"Hi." He's nervous and that only makes me feel twice as excited. "Are you going to tell me what we're doing?"

"Nope. It's a surprise." I smirk at him and watch as he locks the door behind him.

"How long will we be gone? I have to be home before my parents find out. God knows what would happen if they found out." He rakes his hand through his hair and takes a deep breath.

I put my hand on the small of his back for comfort and I can tell it worked. "They aren't gonna find out, Lou. I'll bring you home in time, okay?"

He nods his head and we get into my car. The car ride is mostly quiet until we get there. I've been wanting to take Addison here, but she always claimed to be too damned busy, so I guess that'll be her loss.

The grass is a combination of brown and green due to the season. At the top of the hill, my items are still there and I'm glad no one stole them. I park the car next to a tree and Louis and I get out.

"Where are we?" he asks as he closes the passenger seat door.

"Welcome to the countryside!" I raise my hands in the air for a dramatic welcome.

"What are we doing here?" he asks as I walk over to him.

I grab his hand in mine and start walking up the hill with him. "Our first date."

"Wait. What? Who said we were dating? Why now? Wait. I'm really confused. I thought we only kissed."

"So, you wouldn't want to date me if you had the chance?"

"Harry, back up. You're straight! I'm straight! I think..." He looks toward the grass on the ground and starts walking a little faster.

"What do you mean, 'I think'?"

"I don't know. I've never been attracted to either gender really. Well except- never mind." He really starts to walk fast now.

"Except who? Emma?"

"Wow, this is really beautiful." Louis says as we reach the top of the hill. The view is phenomenal with all the lit up buildings and stars in the sky. I set out a blanket on top of this hill with beer and watermelon. "You did this?" He takes his hand from my grip and walks around to admire the view.


"Why are you doing this, Harry? Why me? I'm just some kid who goes to school."

"Yeah, and I'm just some drunk, partying 20 year old." I laugh. "Louis, our lives are different, so what?"

"You're 20? You can't drink at 20, Harry. That's illegal! I could get put in jail just witnessing you drink!"

"Louis, I'm fine, okay? I've done it before."

"Wait a minute. Back up and just park! You have a girlfriend! I've never even dated anyone! No one even said I was gay! Why am I even here? I should be asleep, it's almost midnight!" Louis walks as quickly down the hill as he came up. He pulls out his cell phone and starts to call somebody.

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