Chapter 9

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Louis’ POV

“I’m not going to drink, Harry.” I remind him. He reaches behind him and pulls out three juice boxes.

“I know. That’s why I got you these.” He smirks and ruffles up my hair. We both laugh and I take the grape flavored juice from his hand. I look out across the city and it amazes me how pretty southern California is at night. All the buildings that I usually look over on my walks to and from school are so beautiful in this moment. The grass isn’t all green but soft when you run your hand through it. The blanket lying on top of the grass is twice as soft and covered with two boys’ bodies.

“Louis, you still never answered my question.” He states as he opens a bottle of beer with his bottle opener.

“I know.” I sigh. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Well please answer soon, because I’m growing impatient.” He smiles at me and it makes my heart skip a beat. Who knew that this inked, troublemaking, boy could be so beautiful. Maybe I’m not like everyone else. Maybe I am gay and just never realized it.

“It would complicate everything in my life and put me under a lot of stress.”

“Stress? Why would you be under stress?”

“Because Harry, I don’t exactly get along with everybody in my life, including you!” I snap. “I’m sorry,” I take a deep breath to calm myself down. “I just don’t know if a relationship is what I need right-”

“But it’s what you want.” He interrupts.

“I never said-”

“C’mon Louis. You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t even like me the slightest. I know what I do to you.” He puts his hand on my leg and I immediately tense. I’m not used to anyone touching me with bigger intentions behind them. “I know that if I kiss you, you forget about everything. I know that if I touch you, you-” I swat his hand away.

“Speaking of that, you do realize that you have no idea what you’re doing and none of what you said is true.” he frowns from his lack of touch, but immediately regains his smirk. “You don’t know what I feel. You aren’t me, you can’t control my thoughts. You can’t-”

“Louis just answer the damn question!”

“Ok! I will.”

“Good.” He says and lies on his back to look up at the stars. “The stars look pretty, don’t they?”

I lie on my back as well and look up at the shining stars. “Harry, I know you don’t care about stars.” I laugh at his attempt to impress me.

“I don’t know.” He coos. “I think I’m naming that one ‘Louis’.” He points to star, millions of light years away.

“You did not just say that.” I turn my head to look at him. He also turns his head and shifts his body to face me.

“You’re just lucky I didn’t name it ‘Bob’.” I burst out laughing at his sarcastic humor and he soon joins in on his joke.


Ring! Ring! Ring!

I wake up to a faint ringing noise. I open up my eyes and find myself clutching onto the 20 year old man and have my head resting on his chest. The bright light of outdoors instantly has me squinting. Shoot! I stayed out all night! No, this is bad!

Ring! Ring! Ring!

I quickly reach for my phone and start to gather my things.

“Louis! Don’t you dare tell me you’re still with Harry! Your mom called looking for you and I told her you were with me! Obviously your mom being your mom, she’s on her way! I can’t get you and back to my house in time, so you better ask your boy toy to come drop you off or you’re going to be in so much trouble!”

“Crap, Emma! Okay, I’m on my way, thank you!” I quickly hang up the phone as Harry sits up and rubs his eyes.

“What’s going on?” Oh my god, his morning voice is the most beautiful and sexy thing I’ve ever heard in my entire life. Louis snap out of it!

“My mom’s looking for me at Emma’s house! It’s morning and we have to go!”

“Oh shit!” I see realization hit his eyes and he jumps up quickly. We both run down to car, not bothering to gather everything up. I swiftly get in his car and buckle my seat belt as fast as I can. Harry does the same and speeds off. I tell him the directions to her house, but he stays quiet and drives.

“Harry, you told me you would get me back on time!”

“It’s a fucking Saturday Louis! How was I supposed to know that your mom woke up this early! You fell asleep too, so don’t blame it all on me.”

“Shit, this isn’t happening.” I put my head in the palm of my hands and try to calm down.

“So you do cuss?” He smirks at me and I jerk my head up.

“This isn’t funny!”

“Lou, look.” He intertwines his hand with mine in my lap and rubs his thumb to calm me down. I flinch at the touch I’m not used to, but slowly adapt. “I know you’re upset, but I’ll get you there I promise.” I take a big breath and look out the window.

“You don’t understand. If my mom knew I was out on my own with you, let alone all night, bad things would happen. I don’t even want to know what she would say if she found out I was dating you.” Whoa, reality just smacked me in the face as I said the last sentence. I’m dating someone and not just someone, but a boy, and not just a boy, but Harry.


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