Chapter 18

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Louis’ POV

Harry calls my phone for the millionth time and I hit ignore once again. I can’t talk to him right now. I need to make sure everything in my family is on track before I bring another potential mess up into it. My life is just a little messed up right now and I need it to settle down again. Emma texted me saying Harry called her again and I thank her for telling me. I appreciate that he’s worried but I need time.

“Louis, Mom and Dad are going to pick up Noah so it’s just me and you, okay?” Scarlet comes into my room. I nod and she sits at the end of my bed.

“Thanks.” I mumble.

“Noah will learn. He’s still a teenager and he just doesn’t know any better yet. Trust me, maturity will hit him soon.”

“Tell him that it needs to come slap him in the face.”

“It’s happened before so at least it wasn’t too big of a surprise.”

“Him hitting you wasn’t normal, it was definitely a surprise.”

“He was drunk and I was trying to stop him from screwing up everything. He won’t do it again and you know that.” She reaches up and touches her cheek from where he slapped her.

“It shouldn’t have happened in the first place.” I roll my eyes at her. My phone vibrates again and Scarlet leaves so I can talk in private. I finally pick up my phone to say hello.

“Louis?” Harry seems shocked that I answered and I’m a little surprised myself.

“Sorry I was busy, how have you been?” I’m desperate to keep the attention off of me.

“Louis! What happened? Are you okay? Why haven’t you been answering my calls? I’ve been worried about you!”

“I’m fine, but I gotta go. I can’t talk.”

“Don’t leave! I’m outside your house, please come outside.” He practically begs.

“Okay, fine.” I sigh and hang up. I take a look in the mirror before I leave at the small kid in front of me. I should put a shirt on but then I can distract him from talking about what happened and he can focus on something else. I walk out of my front door and Harry rushes toward me.

“Are you okay, Lou?” He embraces me and I hold onto him with all I have because I know that I really don’t want to let go. Harry may bring trouble to my life, but I truly care about him and I don’t ever want to let go. I was wrong until now. I do need him whether I think so or not.

“Yeah everything’s okay.” I still don’t want him worrying about me because I can figure it all out by myself.

“Are you sure?” I nod and he gives me a worried look. I can tell that he doesn’t believe me but I’m thankful when he changes the subject and my previous thoughts turned out correct.

“You look good shirtless, you know?” He puts both of his warm hands at my cold hips and my heart starts to race like always. Harry pulls me closer and pushes some of the fringe out of my face. “I haven’t kissed you in a while…” His voice trails off as he watches my lips.

“Then we have work to do.” I smirk, obviously proud of my tease and Harry smiles as my reward. He cups my face with one hand and kisses me in what seems like eternity. This is what I needed. I did need him biting on my lip, his tongue on mine, and touching my bare body, not space. I’m glad he’s an impatient jerk or I’d be missing something I needed without knowing it. I pull away from him and he immediately talks.

“Oh shit. Are your parents home? I’m sorry.” He steps away from me in case they were to come outside.

“No, no. Nothing like that.” I take a step toward him to regain our lost space, physically and mentally. “I wanted to talk about what happened in the car before you last saw me. If you don’t feel the same way it’s okay, I mean we can take it slow because I’d actually like that, but-”

“Woah, woah, slow down. I do love you Louis, number one. Number two, we don’t have to take it slow if you don’t want to. I’ll go at any pace you feel comfortable. I want you happy.”

“Y-you love me?” I look up at him in disbelief. How does he love me? I can’t believe what’s coming out of his mouth.

“Of course I do.” He smiles and kisses my forehead.

“I love you too, Harry.” I assure him.

“I know that babe.” He laughs . How does he act so calm and collected when I’m over hear freaking out. Oh yeah, probably because he’s already done this before and I’m just some kid who’s experiencing it for the first time. I can’t let this go too far too fast. I’m still 17 and he’s still 20.


Thank you to everyone reading, it means a lot! Please comment so I can improve both my writing and the story :)

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