Chapter 12

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Louis’ POV

The clock on the wall seems to be frozen as I wait for it to reach the end of the day. Everyone around me is packing their things and I appear to be stuck to my desk. A huge part of me wants to go see Harry and another huge part is nervous. Nervous because it’s Harry and he makes my heart flutter and also because I don’t want to get in trouble. I obviously want to see Harry, but the consequences would be unimaginable. The bell rings for school to be over and the kids flush through the halls to get home. I spot Emma waiting for me at my locker as usual and I rush over.

“Hey, so I was thinking we could study at my place tomorrow. I have this huge Biology test on Wednesday. You know me, I suck at biology. I mean, why do we have to learn about a cell anyway? It’s just a cell and not to forget we studied it in like the 7th grade already. We should learn more about…” Emma keeps going on, but I seem to zone her out with my thoughts. I open my locker and grab the items I need for tonight’s homework. As I shut my locker, I feel a nudge at my shoulder.

“What? Oh, yeah um, cells are stupid.” She laughs her beautiful laugh and rolls her eyes. I love her laugh with her teeth and dimples showing. She really is beautiful and I know she doesn’t get told enough.

“Why aren’t you listening? What’s on your mind?” We walk through the halls and outside as I try to make out how to explain the situation about Harry.

“I’m not going to be walking home with you today. I have plans.”

“Plans…” She taps her fingers on her backpack strap hanging on her shoulder. I can tell that she is figuring it out on her own. “With Harry? Now?”

“Yeah, he’s picking me up. I don’t know where we’re going, but we’re going together.” I smile and instantly get giddy. I brush my finger tips over my lips as I remember him kissing me. The way his lips would graze over mine to tease me, he would peck my lips, or just crash his into mine. He has beautiful lips; the perfect size and shape.

“Louis… have you thought this through? You don’t even know him.” She says and I get a sinking feeling at the pit of my stomach. I thought she was okay with Harry and me being together. If she wasn’t there for me, I wouldn’t have a friend. “Please don’t get mad at me. I just want to make sure that you’re 100 percent okay with this relationship and he’s not like pressuring you or anything.”

“Emma, I’m fine and you don’t have to worry about me.” A taller figure comes into view out of the corner of my eye. When I look up, I see Harry. He looks so beautiful with his hair tossled perfectly and his dimples and black skinny jeans. Everything about him is perfect, even the tattoos covering him.

“Hey, Lou.” He says with a small smile and I swear in that moment I could’ve melted.

“Hi.” I squeak. “Um, I’ll see you tomorrow Emma, okay?” She keeps a frown on Harry as she gives me a hug and walks toward the direction of her house. “So, are you going to tell me where we’re going this time?” Harry laughs and puts his arm on my back. I immediately hit it away from me no matter how much I want it there.

“We’re in public!” I whisper. “I can’t risk people knowing and what they would do if they found out.”

“Okay, then let’s go because I want to be able to touch you.” He turns away and I follow like a duckling to its mother. I smile at what Harry says. I want to touch him the way he touches me. I want to kiss him the way he kisses me, but I can’t do any of it. I don’t have the confidence or capability.  

Throughout the whole drive I think I should touch his leg or even just hold his hand, but I can’t. I don’t know if he would want it or not. As I step out of his car, I see a sort of average sized house. It’s a normal looking house, nothing special. Harry takes out his keys and pushes the door open. It’s only a one level house and the walls are bare. The furniture looks expensive but the rest of the house seems older.

“Your house is great.” I say as I step into the kitchen.

“No, my house is shit.”

“No it’s not!” I say, but he just rolls his eyes. Harry walks out of the kitchen and into the living room. “Not to intrude, but does your job pay for it or do like your parents do?” Harry stops in his tracks and slowly turns toward me.

“Um, Louis… lets settle a rule, okay? We don’t talk about my parents, like ever.” He states and turns back to walk again.

“Okay… Do you like living here?” I try to quickly change the subject.

“It’s okay I guess.”

“That’s cool.” I stuff my hands in my pockets- stupid habit. Harry stands alone in the living room as I stand in the kitchen. Moments of awkward silence go by before he speaks up.

“Come here.” He simply states and sits on his couch. I carefully walk through his house and sit next to him. “What do you want to do?”

“I don’t know, just talk.” I love just talking to him. No fighting or anything, but just talking.

“When I first saw you, I noticed your eyes. They’re so beautiful, Lou.” He says as he puts his hand on my cheek.

“Well, I remember seeing your black clothes and tattoos. They’re pretty now, but terrifying then.” I laugh.

“Don’t ever stop smiling.” Harry hums as he looks in my eyes.

“Can I kiss you?” I gently ask, afraid that he’ll say no.

“Why ask and not do it?” He cocks a brow up as I slip away from his touch.

“I-I don’t know. Maybe… I don’t know.” I cover my face with my hands.

“Babe, it’s not like I won’t let you. C’mon.” He lays his back down on the couch and puts his arms behind his head.

“Harry… ugh.” I lean down, peck his lips, and quickly sit up again. “Okay, let’s go.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. If you want me to go somewhere, you have to give me a better kiss then that.”

“Harry, this is stupid.”

“No it’s not. Lean down and kiss me.” He demands. I lean down once again and gently press my lips to his. When I notice he doesn’t move his lips, I realize he’s making me do all the work. I’m really nervous and I don’t want to do this. It doesn’t feel right. He should be kissing me. As I move my lips on his more and more, he keeps fighting the urge to move his lips. As soon as I am about to pull off, I hear the front door fly open.

Harry sits up and his expression goes bitter as he yells, “What the fuck, Zayn?”


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