Chapter 5

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Louis’ POV

My alarm clock wakes me up at the correct time of 5:30am. Sometimes it wakes me up later, because it’s old and I should get a new one. Everyone has been telling me to get a new one, but I refuse to. There’s no need to spend money on something that already works, sometimes works.

I get up and do the regular routine to get ready and walk down the flight of stairs to get to the kitchen. As I reach the kitchen, I can hear something sizzle on a pan and the smell that follows it confirms it’s bacon.

“Good morning, sport.” My dad says, walking by me with newspaper in hand and pats my shoulder. He always reads the paper in the mornings and I don’t know why, because the paper comes in the afternoon. I guess he’s just too busy at night. Everybody in the house has a routine; it’s just how our family works.

“Morning.” I mutter back in response.

“Did you sleep well? I hope the rain storm didn’t wake you.” My mom chimes in, looking up from her cooking.

“No it didn’t. Hey, do you mind if I just eat cereal instead? I’m not really in the mood to eat bacon.”

“A teenager not wanting to eat bacon. As weird as it is, sure honey. Make sure you pick up your mess when you’re done.”

I nod my head and Noah walks in. That’s peculiar, Noah usually doesn’t wake up until he has a good five minutes to get ready. He walks by me and has a mischievous smirk plastered on his face. This can’t be good.

He says good morning to everybody and doesn’t give anybody an attitude. Something’s wrong here and I need to find out before it ends badly.

“You okay?” I ask him quietly.

“Hey, what’s your friend like, Louis?” Noah asks me louder than I had asked him.

What is he doing?

“What?” I ask.

“You know, your friend with the tattoos. What’s he like? Did you go to a party? Bang a girl? Do tell me.” He evilly smiles when my mom gasps and my dad looks up worried.

“Excuse me?” My mom asks. “Louis what is your brother talking about?”

“Young man that is no language to be using in this house hold.” My dad scolds Noah for using the word ‘bang’ in that context.

“Well?” Noah pushed.

“He gave me a ride home.” I couldn’t lie to my family. I was never good at it as a child or a teenager.

“Louis Tomlinson, we have told you time after time not to take rides from strangers. Did you even know the man?” My mother becomes more irritated as time draws out.

“Well, no, but-” I try to talk, but my father interrupts.

“No, excuses! Just get ready for school and we will talk about this when you get back.”

“Did I mention he has tattoos.” My brother is always trying to make things worse.

“Shut it, Noah.” I mutter and he just laughs to himself.


“So, what happened?” Emma says and fixes her backpack strap on her shoulder. She never tries but she always looks perfect.

“Why do you think that?”

“Louis, you’re my best friend. I know when something is putting you down. What is it?”

“No, it’s okay. I don’t want to talk about it.” I hope she understands.


“So, did you get the text I sent you?” I can tell she is uncomfortable and trying to change the subject.

“Oh! I haven’t even turned my phone on since last night.”I fumble with my backpack pocket and grab my phone out. I turn it on and have a three new messages. One from Emma, one from my mom, and one from an unknown number.


I text Emma telling her I didn’t wait for her after school so she won’t loiter around for me.  I couldn’t concentrate in school all day because I was worried some stranger had my number. It’s just a mistake right? They must’ve texted the wrong number. I’ll just text them back. That won’t hurt, will it?

To: Unknown

From: Louis

Who is this?

I made my way back home, but instead of going to the living room to do my homework, I went straight upstairs. I need to figure out who this person is and why they have my number. My phone vibrated in my hand at the same time I sat on my bed.

To: Louis

From: Unknown

Its Harry.

Oh, that’s right. We exchanged numbers, but I never expected him to text me. Let alone even look at my contact. I changed the number from ‘unknown’ to ‘Harry’.


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