Chapter Four

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Chapter Four:

Harry and I kept our relationship quiet for a few weeks before we made it public.  My best friends didn't approve of our relationship.

"He's going to hurt you, Bethany," Mary Elise said to me at lunch the day we went public.

"He hasn't done anything to make me think that yet," I replied.

"Just be careful, okay?" Charlene said as she patted my left hand.  

"Look, I get you guys are looking out for me and I really appreciate that, but Harry and I really like each other.  I will always have some walls up to protect myself from everyone, including him, but right now he is my boyfriend and I am happy with him, okay?"

That was a month ago.  Harry and I are still going strong and everyday I fall harder for him.  I wouldn't say I'm in love, just having a big crush on him.  I still have my walls up to protect myself and I still haven't told him the entire story about why I am the way I am.  He doesn't need to know either. 

Harry and I were in my room working on our homework together again.  He sat on my chair in front of my vanity with his feet propped up on my bed.  I sitting on the left side of my queen sized bed with my ankles crossed and by back against the pillows and headboard.  Today I was helping him for once with his Literature.  He had to do a paper on The Odyssey.  

"You seriously haven't read The Odyssey?" I asked him.  He shook his head in response.  My boyfriend, who had read Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer's Night Dream, Great Gatsby, Antigone, and Hamlet hadn't read The Odyssey.  

"I picked it up one day and never got into it so I quit reading it," he said to me smiling.  He looked at me and asked if I had ever read it.

"Yes," I replied.  "Numerous times." 

"Well, with that being said," he said as he climbed on top of my bed and sat next to me.  "I think that you should write my paper for me."

I looked at him and giggled.  He had made me so happy over the past month and a half.  It was like night and day.  I kissed his soft lips and savored every moment.  His lips were as soft as ever.  He kissed me back gently, but still dominating.  Every kiss we shared was sweeter than the last. I smiled and pulled away from him and burst his little bubble.

"Sorry, but you're going to have to write it yourself," I replied.  I smiled as our lips were less than a centimeter away after pulling apart.  He smiled back and kissed me on the nose.

"Fine," he said picking up his copy of The Odyssey.  As he read out loud, I started to think back to when I read it for the first time in my freshman English class.  I was fifteen and hadn't even started to wear makeup yet. 

I sat in the front row next to my best friend Linsay and him.  He was a close friend of mine before it happened.  Linsay was to my left, and he was to my right.  As we read, I remember us all making fun of Odysseus when we saw how many times he cheated on his wife Penelope.  I smiled at the memory of Linsay's mocking of Odysseus.

Harry read for a good hour before my father came home.  My father knew from the start that we were dating.  He was completely okay with it.  He thought Harry was good and good for me.  He only had one rule for when Harry was over: my bedroom door stays open.  

We heard his footsteps come up the stairs and his voice greeting us as he walked past.  We greeted him back and then continued to read The Odyssey.

Harry left my house around six thirty.  As I kissed him goodbye, I noticed that he slipped something into my hand.  I opened my eyes and looked down into my hand.  It was a small felt box.  I looked back up at my boyfriend, but he was walking away already.  My boyfriend, I thought.  It was still strange to say those words.  

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