Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen:

 As the days passed, Harry and I spent them rebuilding our relationship.  The dark patches we had created had almost taken the relationship, but we were slowly bringing them to the light.  As much as I was happy that we weren't fighting again, I was sad on the inside.  This "new" beginning was bittersweet.  Everyday I looked up at him knowing it was one look less from the limited amount I was given.

 At first, we had vent sessions and got things off our chest to each other.  Harry told me all of what was frustrating to him in our relationship and I did also.  I still held back on Jaeson and any information leading up to Jaeson, but other than that I was completely honest with him.

I found out that Harry was frustrated with me for alot of things, more than I thought.  The biggest reason why he was irritated was Jax.  Harry was extremely protective of me and didn't like it when I went to go see other guys.  He didn't like Jax at all after hearing what I had to say about him.  I told him about how Alia had left him and hurt him the way he did.  Harry just looked at me quietly for a few moments.  Only when I asked him what was wrong did he speak.

"I don't buy it," he said.  "From what I've heard, this Jax kid really does like you, and I know you know it as well.  In my opinion, he is trying to steal you from me."

"What do you mean?" I asked.  I knew Jax liked me and all, but with him knowing how it felt to have someone stolen from you. . .

"From what you have told me, I think Jax is going to try to get between us.  In my five hundred years, I've seen quite a few humans do this.  They take something negative in their life and use it to guilt someone else and to come between two people.  Jax is trying to use Alia as an excuse to get close to you and take you away from me.  I know, I sound like a clingy boyfriend right now, but it's true."

 I looked at Harry with a puzzled look on my face.  Yes, he could be right because I have considered this possibility myself.  Jax could be trying to come between us, but at the same time he couldn't.  When I saw the look on Jax's face after I told him how Harry and I were fighting, he looked genuinely sorry.  

"Harry, you should have seen the look on his face when I told him that we were fighting," I said.  "He looked like he had just heard someone died on his own accord."

"He must be one hell of a bloody good actor then," he snorted.  "I'm not buying his act.  I'm telling you, he's going to try to steal you."

Every so often, Harry made comments like that about Jax.  With every word I spoke in Jax's defense, Harry's hate for him grew like a kindled fire.  As our issues started to dissolve, the biggest issue thrived in our arguments.  If I made the mistake of mentioning a word that made Harry think of Jax, the arguments would start up again.  And they weren't pretty by any means.

Harry would say the meanest things about Jax, calling him a 'good for nothing little fucker'.  Not that I blamed him exactly, I would be saying the same things too if I thought someone was trying to take Harry from me.  With every negative word he said about Jax, it made me think: what would he say about me when I left?

I knew already that he wouldn't take our breakup lightly, but he had a long life ahead of him and would find another girl.  He may be mad at me for the next couple decades, but he will eventually get over it and so would I.  One of my biggest fears is that he would think that I never loved him and that he meant nothing to me.  

Harry Edward Styles was the best thing that ever happened to me.  He showed me how to love after a horrific event in my life.  If Harry hadn't come along in my life, I guarantee that I wouldn't be the person I am today.  I would still be the shell of Bethany.  Because of him, I was like a Phoenix: reborn from my ashes into a stronger version of myself.  

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