Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen:

The whole car ride home, I listened to Harry yell at me about Jax and his hate for him.  With every word he spoke, Harry's fangs stabbed his lips and occasionally they bled.  Harry would start to taste the blood and then drink the blood until his lip stopped bleeding.  When he would start yelling about Jax again, the cycle would begin again.  

"Why the hell would you invite him over?" he yelled before he bit his lip again.  "I told you he would do this!"

"How the hell was I supposed to know he was going to go bat shit crazy on me?" I yelled back.  "After your little stunt you pulled at his house, I don't think he's going to be bothering us anymore!"

Harry stopped for a few moments to get his lip bleeding to stop and then continued to argue with me.  With every word he spoke, I felt his anger and my anger build up.  As we pulled into my driveway, we really started to argue.  Harry and I got into each other's faces and yelled.

"You didn't need to beat him up that badly!" I yelled.

"I'm not going to sit there and let some bloody fucker call my girlfriend a whore!" he yelled back.

"You still shouldn't have done that!"  

"Oh what is he going to do?"  Harry yelled leaning back in his seat.  "Call the police on me?  Let me explain something to you: I am a vampire.  No one will find me unless I want them to find me, so those little bobbies are going to have a jolly old time searching for an alleged assailant that doesn't exist!"

"Well I'm sorry!" I yelled.  I flung my hands up in the air, giving up and holding back tears.  "I'm sorry that I'm just a stupid little human that is used to obeying the rules!  I'm sorry that I'm so damn ingnorant when it comes to your little 'Vampire World'!  I'm sorry that I'm not perfect like you and that I make mistakes!  I'm sorry that I am causing you all these problems!" I opened the car door and stepped out into the chilly night air.  "I'm sorry for being such an issue to you, Harry." 

I slammed his passenger door shut and started to march on the walkway leading up to my front door, letting my tears flow down my face.  So much for rebuilding our relationship, I thought.  I kept thinking about how this is the end and before I knew it, Harry was behind me.  As I was stepping up the concrete steps towards my front door, I felt his hand wrap around my arm and pull me towards him.  

Harry pulled me against his body and held me there.  I fought with him and tried to get away from him, but he held me against himself with his lips on my head, shushing me.  When I finally gave up and cried into his chest, he softly sang to me, but I could only make out the last few words of what he was singing.

Closer, maybe looking closer

There's more to discover

Find out what went wrong without blaming each other

His deep raspy voice brought me two emotions:  love and hatred.  I hated Harry for the way he yelled at me, but I loved him with all my heart.  His voice brought me comfort and agitation, making me want him to hold me all night and wanting to push him away.  I was so lost in my thoughts that I forgot that he was still singing and only heard the last line of what Harry was singing to me.

But we're making all the same mistakes

I looked up at him and stared for a while.  This man, who wasn't even human, was the most incredible person I had ever met.  He was handsome, doting, and chivalrous.  Yet he was also a royal pain in my ass sometimes.  He cared for me deeply and I cared for him in the same manner.  As Harry kissed my teary lips, he placed his hand on my cheek, wiping away some of my tears.  

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