Chapter 25

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William on the side :) Only 1 more chapter and an epilogue after this!

-Belle Ann- (8 Months Pregnant Now)

I sat with my back against one of the large trees in the center of camp, gazing at the fire Peter was tending to. Usually I would be doing the fire, much to Peter's dismay, but my stomach had grown too large over the past few months to be of any assistance to Peter.

A boy. I was having a little boy. Silvermist had found out and honestly, Peter had never smiled so big. A mini Peter Pan: frightening yet amazing. Peter was always saying how he didn't want his son to end up like a Lost Boy, or like him when he lost me. He wanted his son to be teh good of Neverland, not the bad.

Tinkerbell had left for the Enchanted Forest about a month ago to aid Charming and Snow on their hunt for my brother. I had not heard back, so I was guessing they were unsuccessful on tracking down Robin Hood's group, or that it was not my William in th group.

"BELLE ANN! BELLE ANN!" I heard the overly estatic voice of Tinkerbell call out from somewhere high above. Peter was immediately beside me, lifting me to a standing position as Tinkerbell appeared in front of us, a very familiar looking man beside her.

"We found him," she whispered, smiling as she thrust the man towards me. I could only let my eyes grow wide and my mouth drop some as he stood in front of me. It was him. It was my brother.

"William?" I asked softly, takign a few steps forward and out of Peter's arms. He had looked at me in confusion, leading me to believe that Tink and the others had not informed him of why they were looking for him or why they took him. His eyes grew as wide as mine when I spoke, and I already saw the tears streaming down his face.

"B-belle Ann?" he stuttered. I gave a slight nod of my head and he ran forwards, engulfing me in the best hug he could because of my baby bump. When he felt the bump against his stomach he took a step back before I could even hug him back.

"W-what? How? A-are you p-pregnant?" he asked, stuttering on 99% of his words and staring on in wonder. I gave a slight nodd, mustering a nervous smile as Peter stood beside me once again, his hand on my stomach.

"You," William's voice suddenly became dark and menacing, his large eyes turning to slits as he glared at Peter.

"Well, it has been awhile. I didn't know you were her brother, so I apologize for all the pain I made your precious group endure," Peter's mouth turned into a smirk as he stared at my brother. I elbowed him in the stomach, hoping to stop him before they began to fight about something pointless. I honestly didn't care and didn;t want to know what he did to his group.

"Please, no fighting," I said to them in a pleading tone, standing between them as Tinkerbell walked over and attempted to help me.

"You fell in love with that?" my brother snarled, pointing at Peter like he was some monster.

"You have no right ot talk about the people I love liek that," I snarled back, "you left me at home ALONE, and nothing got better until the Blue Fairy gave me my wings and this island. You don't get to talk about him like you are."

William's eyes grew wide once again, "Y-your a fairy?"

I sighed, letting my wings grow from the back of my shirt and surround my body. William gasped and stumbled backwards, but Tinkerbell grabbed hold of him before he fell to the ground.

"Tink, I think I'm gonna go water call Snow adn Charming," I told her, but she let go of William's arm in an instant and stood in front of me, eyes panicked looking.

"No! I-i mean they're very busy right now. Just, um, catch up with your brother! Yeah! Um, Peter and I will go discuss some things! Let's go, Peter!" She suddenly grabbed Peter's arm and dragged him away before he could say anything or protest.

"I'm so sorry. I'm never leaving you again, ever," William said in my arm, enveloping me in  ahug once I turned to face him.

"It's ok. I forgive you."

Coming Home {Peter Pan/Once Upon A Time}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin