Chapter 3

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Chapter Three:

I'm in Eliza's living room, watching a rerun of Degrassi. It's not really interesting considering I already seen it and know what's going to happen. It's 12:33 in the afternoon already and Eliza still isn't up yet. Being alone and having nothing to do gives me plenty of time to start thinking about things. Things I'd like to just forget about. Like what did I do wrong? I thought we were happy. Guess not.

So to get out of this sappy mood I'm in, I decide to call Mason, to cheer me up.




"Hi Andy," Cameron's mom said.

"Hey Mrs. Williams. How was Mason? I hope he wasn't a hand full."

"Oh no dear, we love his company. He's like family, you know that! You are too," I smile I thinking back to how Mrs. And Mr. Williams have been there for Mason when I couldn't. How they watched  him when I had to work or picked him up from school when I had to stay after. "Dear, Mason and Cameron just came out of the room. Here he is."

"Hey Andy."

"Hey Mase, how was your sleep over?" I smirked knowing what his response was gonna be.

"'s not a sleep over for the fifth time,'s hanging out."

I laughed, "Alright, I"

"You say that every time."

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry...So what's your plan for today?"

"I was gonna hang out with Cameron until you picked me up. So whenever you leave Eliza's I guess."

"Uhmm, alright sounds like plan. I'll see you later than."

"Ok, bye Andy."

"Bye." I hung up.

A dying whale sound came from my stomach, a sign that it wanted some food. So I go into Eliza's kitchen, to the cabinet where she keeps the cereal. Fruit loops! I get a bowl from the opposite side of her huge kitchen. I get a spoon and pour in the milk. I sit down at the island and start eating. My stupid thoughts go back to last night...

He cheated on me.

He didn't even bother to run after me.

Who was that calling my name when I ran?

I snapped out of my thoughts when Eliza walked in...finally.

"Its about time you wake up, sleepy head." I smiled.

"Shhh! Stop shouting!"

I laugh at her until she gives me the death glare.

"So what where you thinking about when I came in? You looked like you were about to kill someone and cry at the same time." she said as she took a seat next to me.

I pressed my lips together and took a deep breath. I looked at her as I let it go. "Last night."

"What happened? I saw you talking to that cute guy with the nice body," she wiggled her eyebrows up and down. "He was yummy!"

"There were a lot of cute guys there with nice bodies." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah but the one that was talking to you was gorgeous! Did you get his name? His number?"

"Yes and no."

She smiled and moved her hand in a way of saying keeping going.

"His name is...Jace." I said smiling the whole time.

"Aww, that's a hot name!" She winked.

"Yes...but he probably thinks I'm pathetic." I said dragging out the word yes.

Eliza scrunched her eyebrows together, indicating that she was confused. "Why would he think that?"

"Because he was with me when I walked in on Ethan cheating on me." I looked down, tears in my eyes.

"WHAT?!" I looked up to see her eyes wide and mouth wide open. "Why am I just hearing this? You should have told me at the party...I would have beat his ass...Him and the slut!"

I smiled, glad to have her as my best friend. We've been best friends since first grade when she moved here and didn't know anyone. We instantly started talking and been close since. I know I can depend on her no matter what. She was there for me when my dad died. She didn't give me pity like others did. She understood what I was going through with losing her aunt and knew how I felt about people feeling bad for me.

"Hello," Eliza waved her hand in my face. "tell me what happened."

I took a deep breath and slowly let it out. "Ok..Well I bumped into Jace when I was going up the stairs to look for a bathroom..." I start to tell her. She sits patiently, nodding her head once in a while and occasionally giving  her comments.

When I finish selling her about my horrible...yet not so horrible night, I ask her about hers. Referring to the three guys she was dancing with and one of them that she was constantly with most of the night.

"I don't mean to brag...but mine was pretty fucking amazing!" She beams.

I laugh at her, glad one of us had fun. "I'm really glad to hear that. Really, I am."

She stands up and grabs my hand, "Come on, let's go watch some movies to get your mind off of things."

I smile, thankful to get off the subject.

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