Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve:

Jace's POV. . . SURPRISE! :D

To have my arm around Andy's shoulders for the pictures was like a dream come true. I never know what her next mood is or what's gonna come out of the smart mouth she has. I usually don't have to try so hard to get with a girl. There's something about Andy that keeps me coming back to her. Like a slingshot, the sling comes back to the handle. I'm the sling and Andy's the handle.

My best friend, Seth, brought it up that I'm not gonna let her go.


Seth and I were looking for the guys on the team to let lose for a day, but we couldn't find them anywhere.

Where could they be hiding in a small town like this one?

We went to the ice cream parlor, thinking that Dean, one of the guys, had decided to stop for ice cream. That dude never turns down the offer for ice cream. He's like a little kid.

"A grown man should not be addicted to ice cream like this." Seth comments.

"He isn't a grown man,"

"Still. He's like a little girl."

I can't help but laugh at that comment. Its true, he gets excited just like a little girl would.

I look up when Seth nudges me in my side, "Hey look, those babes are smoking!"

I'm confused until I see who he's talking about. Andy and a girl she is currently walking away from.

"That's Andy," I say loud enough for Seth to hear.

"That's Andy?!"

"The one walking away, yes." I clarify.

Her friend is still sitting at the table, moving her eyes between me and Andy. I look to Andy and see that she is walking over to a guy that's smiling at her. My eyes go wide when I hear Andy yell her friend's name. I didn't expect her best friend to look like that. She's hot. I can tell by the way Seth is looking at her that he feels the same way.

"Who's the dude?" Seth asks.

"Her friend, I'm guessing. I'm hoping." I say the last part below my breath, more to myself.

When Eliza finally listens to Andy, she walks slowly when she is by us. Andy must realize this because she rolls her eyes and keeps walking. I can't keep my eyes off of her. She catches me starring and smiles at me. It doesn't reach her eyes, so I know she doesn't mean it.

"I can see why you haven't given up yet." Seth mutters.

"What have you seen?"

"Her." he states it like that's all the reason I need.

It is actually.

"She wants to be friends." I let out in a breath, not believing that that's what she really wants.

"Make her change her mind."

"How? Everything I do seems to get under her skin."

"She's fighting her feelings. Give her time. Like you said, she just got out of a relationship."

"Yeah. A shitty one with a shitty guy."

"Hey, since when are you looking for a relationship? The whole time I've known you, you've stayed the hell away from them."

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