Chapter 14

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Chapter Fourteen:

"So what we we doing today?" Jace asks again.

"Nothing, I'm working today." I wave my hand around, emphasizing my point.

"What's there to do here?"

"You can play the instruments back there," I point towards the music where they're located, "If you can even play them." I tease.

"What makes you think I can't play them?"

"Because you're you." I say in a 'duh' tone.

"Is that so?" He asks with a smirk on his face.

"Basically."I shrug my shoulders.

"We'll see about that." He says as he walks toward the room.

I hear things being moved around so I go back to reading my magazine. There hasn't been a lot of customers with it still being early.

Jace had came in about an hour into my shift. He claimed he didn't have baseball practice, so he decided to spend the day with me. I'll admit, if it was anyone else, I'd think that's a bit weird, but for some reason I kind of expected it from Jace.

I'm about to turn the page when I hear the notes of an instrument being played. An acoustic guitar to be exact.

I pretend like I don't hear anything special and continue to read. Then I hear the drums being banged on. I get up and walk over to the room.

"Obviously, you can't play the drums." I shout over the noise of the drums.

"Anyone can play the drums. Certain people can play it good."

"You're the people that can just play them." I cross my arms, leaning on the door stand.

"I just need a teacher."

"My aunt gives lessons, I'll sign you up."

"I don't want to learn from her."

"She's the only one that does it, I don't have the patience. Trust me."

He gets up and walks up to me, "Well, I want my girlfriend to teach me."

"Are you sure?"

He scrunches up his face, "What kind of question is that?"

"A question I just asked."

"Well, yeah no shit."

"First lesson is in fifteen minutes." I say walking away.

"Why so long?"

"I need time to think of what you're gonna play."

"It can't be that hard."

"I have to find something easy enough that you can learn without much trouble."

"I'm not that much of an idiot." He says defensively.

"Awe, you're cute when you're defensive." I smile big.

"What are you talking about? I'm always cute, what the fuck."

I stare at him for a minute or two before I burst out laughing.

"I don't know why you're laughing. You know its true."

"Right, cockyness gets you nowhere." I point out.

"I'm not being cocky."

"What are you then?"

"Truthful." He states.

I purse my lips together, "Wrong. You're distracting."

"Distracting in a good way, right?" He wiggled his eye brows up and down.

"Take it however you want."

About ten minutes later I finally find something easy to start him off.

"Alright, Jace, let's get started." I say walking towards the instrument room.

"Let's get it!"

After about fifteen minutes of teaching him, he got the song down. I'll give it to him, he learned it pretty quick.

"Huh, all pretty boys aren't stupid." I tease when we finish.

"Looks can be deceiving."

"They can." I agree. I smile before walking over to the register.

"So, for our first summer plans, I was thinking we go to a water park." He says with a big smile.

"Mase would love that."

"What kid wouldn't?"

"Kids that don't know how to swim or are afraid of water." I point out.

"Well they shouldn't be at a water park."

"Anyways, when do you want to go?"

"When does Mason get out if school, like his last day."


"So we have two more days to plan this. Do you have work on Thursday?"

"Why are we going during the week instead of the weekend?"

"Because everybody and their mother's mother will be there on the weekend." He says like it's an obvious reason, "Don't you plan things with him all the time?"

"Well yeah, but we usually just go to my dad's beach house." I shrug.

"A beach house. Your dad has a beach house, and I'm just now hearing about it?"

"Well.. we've only been dating two or three days. I'm not going to spill my life out to you so soon."

"Well then."

"I do not have work Thursday," I say checking the schedule of whose working on what day. "My aunt is training a new girl that day with us becoming busier every day."

"Sounds reasonable. Is it possible f o r me to get a job here?"

"And why do you want a job here?"

"Because I already know the owner's daughter, she's pretty hot." He winks at me, "And I wanna get her number."

"Well you have fun with that, while I restock the bins."

I walk away from the register towards the bins when Jace grabs my wrist and pulls me into him. I grab onto his shirt to keep my balance. I look up at him and have DEJA VIEW of our first kiss by the park.

I close my eyes when I feel his hand brush against my cheek. Leaning into his touch as his thumb rubs up and down. I can feel him leaning in as I begin to do the same.

Our lips meet and intertwine slowly. I bring my arms up his chest and rest them on his shoulders, not wanting to go farther with us being in the store.

I don't have a problem with kissing in front of people, but with us being in the store, I feel like Its rude and disrespectful towards others.

I'm the one that pulls away this time, knowing I have to get back to work. We stand there looking at each other for a bit. I bite my lip to stop the smile from appearing.

Jace brings his thumb to my mouth and pulls my lip free.

"Stop biting your lip." He says with a twinkle in his eyes.



Hey Fireflies!

So this chapter is kinda boring.. I honestly didn't know what to write.

Hopefully I get the nwxtchapterour soon and it'll be more eventful

Follow me on instagram: bellle_20


Bye..for now..


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