Chapter 6

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Chapter Six:

Just a few more days. A few more days. I can do this. I breathe in deeply as I look over my outfit for today. Ripped jeans rolled up a little with a green and blue plaid flannel with a white tank top underneath and white converse. I decide to keep my hair down and natural so that way I can hide my face if I need to. I brush my teeth and put some more mascara on before going into the kitchen and make Mason a bagel.

Where is he? He's gonna be late.

"Lets go Mase. You're gonna be late." I shout.

I go to my room and grab my bag. I look in my closet for my book bag when I realize it's in the car. I check my bag to see if I have everything. I go to Mason's room to see him digging in his closet.

"What are you looking for?

"My baseball pants. We're sliding in practice." He goes to look under his bed.

"They're in the laundry room. Mom washed them the other day." I inform him.

"Oh ok, can you get them while I get my gym bag?"

"Yeah, but don't be long, you still have to eat." I leave to the laundry room.

I know what you're thinking. If my mom ignores us then why does she do our laundry? She still does what every other mother does. She just doesn't talk to her kids as much as other moms would. She talks to us once in a while, but we rarely see her with her working all the time. With her being a single mom, it's hard to pay for a house and two kids. You would think it's not hard with us owning a store, but my mom hasn't stepped foot into it since the accident. That's when my Aunt Lilly stepped in and took care of it until I was old enough to work. I help my mom with taking care of Mason and buying him what he needs while she takes care of the bills and house.

I grab the pants and bring them into the kitchen. Mason walks in and I hand him his bagel. I drink the rest of my orange juice not eating anything in fear of throwing up. I put Mason's pants in his bag and bring it out to the car.

I drop him off and drive slowly to school. By the time I get to school,  the student parking lot is packed with students talking to their friends. I park my car in the first spot I see. I sit in my car for a couple minutes, thinking of how I'm gonna get through today. I'll just ignore Ethan if he tries to talk to me. Yeah, that's what I'll do. I shut my car off and look in the backseat for my book bag.

Tap, tap, tap.

I look up to see who is knocking on my window. Him. Seeing him at my window, I now wish I'd never looked. I pretend like I didn't hear the knocking and grab my book bag and look for my headphones. I put my music on shuffle and the volume up high where I can't hear anyone around me.

"Come on, Andy. I know you can hear me."

I roll my eyes as I open my door and grab my book bag, not worrying about my shoulder with it already on. I speed walk to the main entrance when I feel a hand on my shoulder, stopping me.

I turn around to see Ethan. I can see his lips moving but I'm not hearing anything. I move away from him where he isn't touching me and cross my arms. I pull my headphones out and put my hand up. "Don't bother with your sad excuses. I don't have time for useless bullshit."

He is about to say something when Eliza grabs my arm. "Come on girl, we have better people to talk to." She says looking Ethan right in the eye.

"Hey, I didn't think I would be seeing you today." I say when we walk away.

"I had to come make sure you were alright. Plus I have to clean out my locker. I know you wouldn't have done it." She bumps her hip into mine.

"You're right about the locker. You have too much shit in there. Too much for me to carry. I'd need two people to help me." I laugh.

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