Chapter 5

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Chapter Five:

What to do, what to do? It's Sunday, meaning I only have one more day until I have to face everybody at school. Even though most of the people at the party won't remember what happened. Aside from that, I may still have to deal with Ethan with the fact that we have some classes together. Unless he stays home because he caught something from that girl and he gets a rash and it spreads to his face and he can't open his eyes or open his mouth. A girl can only dream.

Maybe that was little too mean. A little.

With Mason in his room playing video, something he does when he isn't playing baseball. I decide to take a shower with nothing else to do. Homework is what I usually do but with it being the end of the year, there is none. After my hair dries a little, I put it into a french braid while I look for something to wear today. I put on a long sleeve shirt with white and brown stripes with a thick blue stripe at the top of the shirt. It wasn't too tight and too loose and it hangs off my left shoulder with black leggings.

I walk up to Mason's room and ask if he wants to get some ice cream for a snack. He agrees and gets ready. I go back to my room and grab my brown shoulder bag with my wallet inside. When I get downstairs, Mason is waiting at the door in his baseball hat with his hair hanging out on his forehead and a t-shirt with basketball shorts and Nike running shoes. His hair is like skater boy's hair but I'd never let him grow that long. It looks gross after a certain length.

I slip on my flip-flops while I ask, "Do you wanna walk or take the car?"

"We can walk, it's not far. You don't have to be at the store until later, right?"

"Yeah, let's go before mom gets home." I say putting my hand on his back, pushing him forward, out the door.

On our way to the ice cream parlor, we goof off and call each other name.

"Hey Mase, have you met the bush family?" I ask

"Huh? No?" He says confused.

"You wanna meet them?"

"I have a feeling I don't have a choice."

I laugh and push him into the bushes by the park.

"What the hell, Andy." He says trying to stay mad. "Just wait."

"What are you gonna do?" I laugh, not believing him.

"You'll see." He said before walking ahead. He looked over his shoulder and said "Last one there is a rotten egg!" He shouted running towards the ice cream shop. I run after him laughing.

The girl behind the counter had red hair and green eyes and some freckles on her cheeks. She smiles at Mason and me when we walk in. I order one cup of dots with cookies & cream and a chocolate cone for Mase. I pay and push Mason 's hat down when I see he is spacing out. He looks at me annoyed. What kind of sister would I be if I didn't pick on my little brother?

He gives me a look as he pulls my hair tie out and sticks his tongue out. I give him a look like are you serious? I brush my fingers throw my hair, taking it fully out of the braid.

"That's for messing with my hat, interrupting my thoughts."

"That's it? I wonder what you're gonna do to get back at me for pushing you into the bushes." I get our ice cream and walk outside. "What were you thinking about?"

"Not tellling you cause than you're gonna make fun of me." He pouts.

"Awwwe, I won't. I'm sorry for hurting your feelings." I say and put my fist towards him. "Truce?"

"Truce." He says fist pounding my fist.

I look up to see Jace walking up. I smile and say, "Are you stalking me? That's creepy and a turn off."

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