chapter 2

186 14 4

( simmer's Point of view)

I laid on my bed quietly wide-awake just wanting the time to pass faster so I could finally get out of this house, And to be in a safe place. To be in The love of my life's arms again to feel safe. I don't know how long I laid there just staring up at the ceiling but when I finally rolled over on my side and checked my phone, it was finally 12 o'clock. it's about a 10 minute drive to the airport and then another 20 minute wait for my plane if it came on time.

I wouldn't take any chances of being late. I got up from my bed grabbing my phone and charger writing a little note for my parents as to where I was and when I be coming back. I got up got my bags and quietly went down the stairs as I went, I looked around I saw the shelf that used to have at least 50 of my mothers snow globes now only have 5 probably

because the others were smashed to pieces by my father. I quietly open the front door, I took one last look at the place that I hated the most. how did everything go so wrong? I never used to hate this place, I never used to hate coming home from school every day and I never used to wear make up to cover up Bruises but suddenly I did now suddenly everything just changed. I walked down the driveway.

I got into my car. that was the only good thing about my parents after they start fighting a lot and my dad started drinking they did got me a car for my 16th birthday I paid for half of it it and wasn't amazingly nice but it was decent. I put my bag in the backseat and then got into the Driver seat, now all i have to do is drive to the airport.

finally looking forward to being away from this house. I called One of my friends from school and told her she could use my car while I was gone. I told her to meet me at the airport but I just told her that I was going to be on tour with Harry because she didn't know what was going on at my house only Harry did. as I was pulling into

the airport I saw my friend getting out of the taxi she took since she didn't have a car and that's why I was letting her have mine she was always borrowing it anyways. I parked the car and went up to her. we talked for a few minutes and then I handed her the keys. I got my bags out from the backseat and walked into the airport. I walked to the front desk and

got my ticket and everything I needed. I then went to security it went smoothly. I was able to get through security pretty fast considering it was late at night. Now all I had to do was wait for 10 minutes before my flight took off. thank God there was no delays. I sat there for a while playing random games on my phone I texted

Harry told him I was at the airport and that I would see him soon. I guess I was in there for 10 minutes because of my flight was called I gathered up my stuff and walk to the gate to board the plane it was going smoothly. I got on the plane put my stuff in the overhead compartment and then sat in my seat after while everyone boarded and we took off the plane ride was long I slept for most of it.

but when I wasn't sleeping I was thinking which sometimes isn't a very good thing finally. we landed I got my stuff. I stepped off the plane. I was looking around the airport for that familiar mop of curls that I missed so much. I was excited to finally see Harry after so long and to not leave his side hopefully for a very long time.

I kept looking around for a while maybe 10 minutes before I spotted his messy hair that lay on top of his head very very messy but he still managed to look so hot. finally his eyes met mine for the first time in what seemed like forever. his bright emerald eyes looked into mine with love and joy. I ran to him completely forgetting about my stuff. once I finally got to him, I jumped on him nearly knocking him over. I wrapped my arms around his neck

and my legs around his waist holding him tightly against me, his arms went around my waist hugging me just as tightly as I was him. I never wanted to let go. my head was buried deep in his shoulder breathing in his scent that I've missed so much "I missed you so so much Love I'm so happy you're here I love you simmer" he said

I didn't notice I was crying until I felt my cheeks were wet. I smiled at him and I kissed him. the kiss was sweet and full of love. we kissed for a while until he finally put me down. we broke apart. he took my hand and walked over to my stuff. we picked it up and he led me to his car with the help of his security team who were keeping any paparazzi and fans that might have caught wind of him being here away. there wasn't very many but enough that you needed security for. I was so happy to finally be with him to finally be away from my abusive father and my verbally abusive brother. I was happy to be with the love of my life again.

to be where I belong.


love you all 🙂

Update on 3/2/2017 Word count 1071 writer Zalla

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