Chapter 12

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(Simmer's Point of view)

I woke up cuddled in Harry's arms and laid there for a little while just admiring him The way his hair fell across his face almost perfectly the way his bare chest would rise and fall slowly as he slept peacefully he looked so peaceful and perfect suddenly I started to feel sick I started to get used to this feeling in the morning it was one of the first things

I did now I quickly but as quietly as To not wake up Harry rush to the bathroom before empty my stomach of all that I had eaten the night before suddenly I heard footsteps coming into the bathroom which I knew was harry he walked over to me grab my hair in one hand and With the other rubbing my back as I continued to empty my stomach.

After about 10 minutes of on and off throwing up I was finally done I slowly Stood up and started brushing my teeth harry stand behind me still rubbing my back "I love you so much and i'm sorry I wish there was more I could do"he said I finish brushing my teeth and turned around to face him I gave him a smile "I love you too Harry so much you're here and that's all I need I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend so don't you dare go doubting yourself you're doing all you can and I appreciate it so much I don't know what I would do without you"I said walking over to him and wrapping my arms around him.

then he wrapped his arms around my waist putting his four head against mine we both lead in colliding our lips together in a sweet good morning Kiss we pulled away walking hand-in-hand back into the bedroom Harry let go of my hand and kiss my four head before he walked to the living room while I walked over to my suitcase that was lying on the floor

I pulled out all of the stuff I needed to take a shower and then walked back into the bathroom and turn the shower on.once I was done I got dressed in a pair of jeans and one of Harry's White T-shirts and a black sweater and a pair of pink fluffy sucks on my feet I walked back into the bedroom and sat on my side of the bed picking up my phone from on the bedside table and unplugging it from the charger

checking my messages Twitter Instagram and a few others before I put my phone down and walked to where Harry was sitting on the couch messing with his phone sitting down next to him curling into his side with him immediately wrapping his arms around me and laying his hand on my stomach we stayed there for a few minutes before Harry got up and went to go take a shower I sat on the couch for a little while before I got up to get something to eat I made a some eggs and toast

I took two bites of the eggs and one bite of the toast and then stopped before I got sick again I heard Harry get out of the shower and get dressed and then a few minutes later I saw him appear from the bedroom and walk over to me I handed him a plate of eggs and toast that I made sure were still warm for him he thanked me and kiss me on the lips and then sat down next to me eating his food and then getting up and putting his plate in the sink when he was done then we both walked over to the couch and cuddled for a while.

it was about 1:30 PM when there is knock on the door "that's probably the boys"Harry said well getting up and answering the door sure enough it was soon Liam Niall and Louis walk through the door  and then come over to me and giving me a hug and saying hello before they all took a seat on the couch Harry walked over to me wrapping his arms around me "so what did you want to tell us"Liam asked looking at us with a serious look on his face

"well simmer is pregnant"Harry said very big smile on his face. their jaws dropped and they were silent for a minute before all of them got up and came over to hug. "congratulations harry you are going to be a dad i'm so happy for you"Liam was the first one to say something after pulling away from the very big group hug "I can't believe it our little harry it's going to be a dad"Niall said fake crying "welcome to the club man"Louis said padding harry on the back I giggled at all of their reactions and words "thank you guys"I said tearing up a little stupid hormones

harry still had his arms wrapped around me and a very big and happy and proud smile on his face everything was just perfect everybody was happy and excited for the new addition to the family now all that was left was to tell management and The fans.


but don't forget to comment and you all.❤️😊

Updated on 4/30/2017 word count  1124 writer Zalla

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