Chapter 13

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           (Simmers point of view)

It's been a two weeks since we told the boys about my pregnancy now I'm about 10 weeks along and I already have a small bump since then we've told management and they weren't very happy at first at least they come to terms with it and we will be telling the fans soon.

I was at one of Harry's concerts it was fun getting to watch Harry jump around the stage goof off and tell absolutely stupid jokes that maybe only I find funny but hey he was adorable.

As I was looking at the crowd I saw this girl she looked very familiar I felt like I knew her from somewhere she had blonde hair that in the lighting look almost Brown but then our eyes met I looked into her green eyes and I knew.. I knew her I just couldn't remember where there something very familiar about her then it hit me it's Layla my best friend from childhood we grew up together before I moved away me and her were inseparable you could always tell when we were in a room together because we'd always be laughing and having a fun time.

I can't believe she's here I've missed her so much it's been years. we were both 13 when I moved away because my dad got a new job I didn't want to leave her we were best friends and hopefully still are I told her absolutely everything about my first crush and even some of my darkest secrets we were like sisters and I've always felt like I was missing half of me ever since I moved away.

Once the show ended and most of the fans left but Layla didn't I'm guessing she must have a backstage pass I was so nervous what if she doesn't remember me or worse she's angry at me for moving away I quickly shook those thoughts out of my head and walked over to her.

I tapped her on the shoulder and when she turned around I knew for certain it was her there is no mistaking it "simmer?" she said in disbelief I nodded my head both of our faces lighting up with a very happy smile we quickly took each other into our arms holding each other for the first time in so long it felt so good to have my best friend back I'm so happy I missed her so much

" Layla I can't believe it's really you it's been years I've missed you so much Bestie you have no idea"I said starting to cry "I think I do i've missed you too so so so much I'm so happy I found you again I've been looking for you ever since you left you never told me where you move to"she said crying also we pulled away from each other she was wearing a pair of jeans and a One Direction T-shirt with her hair down wearing a pair of purple flats and a necklace it was a piece of a heart with 'forever'

"I didn't know where i was going my parents never told me and for a while I didn't have a phone because my dad broke it but I've never forgotten about you ever because we made a promise to each other forever and always and I kept my promise I never forgot about you ever you were always on my mind and I've always tried to find you but for some reason It never worked but all that doesn't matter now that's in the past I finally found you my best friend after all these years and I see you're still wearing Your piece of the necklace"I said pulling out the other side of the heart with 'and always' we both took off or necklaces and put the pieces together. it was a Purple Heart with black words engraved in it spilling out 'forever and always' it was always our thing.

"of course I still have the necklace I never took it off I'm surprised the chain hasn't broke yet"she said giggling we put the necklaces back around our necks and we started talking again after all of these years catching up on each others lives I told her about everything even about my dad it felt like old times again like we haven't been separated for years I don't know how long we've been talking but soon I heard my phone start ringing I picked it up and saw that it was harry, I quickly answered

"hey babe" I said "hey where are you you're not backstage or in the dressing room where you said you'd be"he said worry evident in his voice "don't worry i'm fine I promise I just you know  Layla my best friend from childhood I told you about her I ran into her and I guess we've been talking for a while but I promise that I'll be there soon and if it's all right with you if I could bring Layla with me?"I asked looking at Layla with a very big smile she returned it gladly and squealing because she was excited "sure I am in my dressing room just come straight back and I would love to meet the girl who my girlfriend is always talking about I love you kitten be Careful OK I'll see you in a little bit bye"he said "I love you too HarBear I will see you in a little bit bye"I said before hanging up "so what do you say Bestie do you want to come meet Harry A.k.a. my boyfriend and maybe even the rest of the boys"I asked looking at her with a straight face trying not to laugh because I knew what her answer is going to be.

"OMG YESS!!I would love to meet your boyfriend and the rest of the boys you already told me so much about them and I am a very big fan of theirs so of course let's go"she said grabbing my hand I giggled at her reaction boy am I glad she's back I missed her so much.

I hope you enjoyed it I hope it wasn't too bad but As always don't forget to vote and comment. love you all. -T

Updated on 5/7/2017 word count 1206 writer Zalla

Terrible Times (completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن