Chapter 20

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(Simmer's Point of view)

We had arrived at the hospital about an hour ago and once we had gotten here we went to the front desk and they lead us to our room and I was given a hospital gown and then the doctor came in and checked me and hooked me up to a few machines like an IV and A heart monitor for the babies and also my contractions have gotten pretty bad and I'm about 5 cm dilated so I'm about halfway there.

Right now I was standing at the edge of my bed with harry behind me I was having another painful contraction I started doing my breathing exercises I learned "you're doing so good simmer just breathe it's almost over"he said rubbing my back and swing my hips back-and-forth trying to help the pain soon the contraction passed and I felt a small bit relieved but that didn't last long as another contraction hit me.

It went on like that for about four more hours before I got an epidural at 8:30 pm and the pain finally eased and I was able to relax I was laying on the hospital bed and Harry was sitting beside me in a chair holding my hand "you're doing so good I'm so proud of you"he said bring my hand up to his lips and giving it a soft kiss "not long now before we have Parker and Jackson in our arms my love"he said smiling at me I yawned and then smiled back "get some rest my love need your sleep"he said kissing my four head I nodded my eyes slowly closing until finally I drifted off into peaceful sleep.

I woke up from my peaceful slumber as I had a very very sharp pain shooting through my stomach Harry was still next to me but he had fallen asleep The pain past but it came back a second later this time even worse I could feel pressure down there I squealed very loudly and harry quickly opened his eyes looking at me with so much worry "Harry get the doctor now"I said as calmly as I could he quickly nodded and quickly raced out the door to find a doctor.

He Came back a few minutes later a doctor and a few nurses falling behind him he quickly raced over to my bedside and grabs my hand "all right Miss Scott i have to check you to see where you are"she said I nodded taking a deep breath "you're 10 cm dilated and I can see one of the tops of the babies hand so on the Count of three I want you to give me a very big push ok"she said and I nodded "1.2.3 push"she said and I did as hard as I could "OK good heads out now for the hard part the shoulders"she said "you're doing so good simmer you can do this baby"Harry said kissing my forehead.

I pushed again and then I heard a loud cry "it's a boy"I heard the doctor say I had happy tears running down my face as they laid my baby boy on my chest "hello beautiful boy welcome to the world Jackson"I said kissing his fore head"you did it simmer our boy is here"Harry said I looked up at him he had tears in his eyes he was looking down at Jackson I smiled but soon I felt another pain Harry cut the cord and then One of the nurses took Jackson to get cleaned up

While Parker decided it was time to make her appearance I pushed a few more times and soon another loud cry broke out through the room "it's a girl"the doctor said putting Parker on my chest "hello beautiful girl you just couldn't wait to see the world could you Parker"I said smiling as happy tears were still running down my face "we have our babies now Simmer you did absolutely amazing I love you so much you've given me the best most beautiful gifts that any man could ask for"Harry said looking Down at Parker and then at me giving me a soft kiss on the lips

The nurse walked over with Jackson and handed him to harry "they're both so beautiful"I said "Jackson has your nose and my ears"Harry said looking down at his son "and Parker has your lips and nose she's so small compared to him"I said looking down at the beautiful baby girl in my arms " but they're both perfect"we both said at same time two nurses came and took Parker and Jackson to get checked while we get situated and moved to a different room

Once we were moved into a different room Jackson and Parker came in a few minutes later ready to be fed their first meal so while I fed Parker Harry held Jackson keeping him from fussy and distracting him while I fed his sister and then we switched and I fed Jackson while he burped Parker put her to sleep once they were both fed and asleep in there bassinets that were pulled beside my bed Harry came and sat next to me and i cuddled into his side "i love you"Harry said giving me a kiss on the fore head he then got up off the bed I looked at him with a confused look.

"I've been wanting to do this ever since your birthday we've been together for three years three wonderful amazing years and we have two beautiful babies now and I want to grow old with you and wake up to your beautiful face every morning we been through ups and downs and we've only come out stronger through everything I want to have more kids with you one day and I want to spend the rest of my life with you so will you Simmer Marie Scott make me the happiest man on earth and marry me"Harry said getting down on one knee beside my bed and opening a small black box to reveal a very beautiful diamond ring happy tears were once again rolling down my face "yes yes a million times yes"I said Harry smiled and quickly stood up and slipped the ring on my finger and gave me a sweet kiss on the lips "i love you so much harry"I said as we pulled apart "I love you too simmer so so much"Harry said

Me and Harry cuddle in the small hospital bed where we fell asleep I love my family and I love harry I am the happiest girl on earth I have two beautiful babies and the best fiancé in the world.

Me and Harry cuddle in the small hospital bed where we fell asleep I love my family and I love harry I am the happiest girl on earth I have two beautiful babies and the best fiancé in the world

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Jackson Edward Styles
5 lbs. 9 oz.
Born on April 27, 2016 at 12:30 AM
Parker Alice Styles
5 lbs. 7 oz.
parents: harry styles and simmer Scott
Born on April 27, 2016 at 12:33 AM
5 lbs. 7 oz. 
parents: harry styles and simmer Scott

don't forget to vote and comment and share. love you all so much❤️😊

Updated on 6/22/2017 word count 1426 writer Zalla

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