Chapter 4

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(Harry's Point of view)

Me and simmer laid on the couch. she was sleeping in my arms. After her brother had called it, took me an hour to calm her down. her Brother and father had no right to hurt her. she's done nothing wrong. I don't understand why they have to hurt physically and mentally but they're never going to hurt her again, because I'm never going to let her leave my side.

Soon I fell asleep thinking about how much I love simmer and how I'm never going to let anything Bad happen to her. I was suddenly awaken by simmers phone ringing I picked it up it was an unknown number. I was glad that simmer was a heavy sleeper and didn't hear anything. I clicked the answer button "hello simmers phone Harry speaking"I said "is Miss Scott with you"The woman on the other line said "yes she is but she sleeping right now is there anything I can help you with"I said curious to know who would be calling my girlfriend "well I don't know but I am a nurse at Lancaster General Hospital and I was calling to inform Miss Scott that her mother and father and brother have been in a horrible car accident and that her mother is not doing very well and that she should get here as soon as possible"she said

"OK I'll let her know and will be down there as soon as we can"I said hanging up. I know it was rude but to be honest, we had to get there and I had to wake simmer up and she is not very easy person to wake up. "Simmer baby you need to wake up we need to go your mother father and brother are all in the hospital" I said shaking her a bit. I could see her eyes opening. looking straight into mine they were so red and puffy from crying.

        (Simmer's Point of view)

I was slowly pull out of my sleep by harry. I heard his voice but I couldn't make out what he was saying. I slowly opened my eyes and looked into his. he gave me a half sad smile "what's going on"I asked my voice still laced with sleep "your family's in the hospital they've been in a horrible car accident simmer we have to go now the nurse on the phone said your mom is not in very good condition and that we needed to get there as fast as we could I'm so sorry"he said standing up and pulling me with him.

we immediately packed everything of his at least my bags were still packed. he called management and the boys and told them what was happening and where we'd be going. we went off to the airport and boarded on his private jet to go back my hometown. it wasn't a very long flight though I don't know how long because I mostly cried and slept worrying about my mother and brother. part of me really didn't care about what happened to my father not after what he's done to us and yes you may ask yourself shouldn't be angry at you brother to and I am but I still care about him. We arrived back in my hometown and immediately went to the hospital.

I went to the Front desk "Lizzy Scott and Samuel Scott there my brother and mother where are their rooms?"I asked worry evident in my tone "well it looks like your mother is in the ICU and your brother is with her now he didn't get a room because he only got a few scratches And the ICU is down the hall to your right should be the first door there"she said with the sad smile. I quickly grabbed Harry's hand and ran down the hall way stopping in front of my mother's room.

I slowly walked in and saw her laying there unconscious, plugged into a whole bunch of different machines. probably only things keeping her alive. my brother was sitting next to her he had stitches above his eyebrow and a few scratches on his knees and hands.

I started crying again

"what happened"I asked Samuel "we were in the car on our way back from aunt Lynn's house dad was driving which me and Mom both knew he shouldn't be considering he had some alcohol before we left they were fighting and then dad lost control the car I can't remember very much after that you should've been here but you weren't you were off somewhere with your rich boyfriend you should've been here this is all your fault it never would've happened if you wouldn't of left" he said yelling at me "how is this my fault I was getting away from you, from dad I couldn't take it anymore and I'm done hiding now the only thing you're doing is making everything worse it's nobody's fault but dads he's the one who decided to be behind the wheel it's not my fault and it's not yours"I said yelling even just a little bit through my tears.

Harry who was standing behind me was holding my hand. He squeezed my hand pulling me towards him hugging me tight. sending a glare to my brother for yelling at me. I pulled away from the hug letting go of his hand and walking over to the other side of my mothers bed "I'm so sorry I love you mom"I said crying tears continuing to flow down my face. I held her hand sitting next to her bedside. my brother who was sitting on the other side looked at me angrily not knowing what to say.

I didn't want him to speak.

I just wanted my mother to wake up.

I sat there for 20 minutes before my brother got up and left the room it was just me and Harry in the room with my mother. he took a spot where my brother was sitting before. I sat there for another 20 minutes praying that she would just wake up and everything would be OK that we can finally get her away from my father.

but she didn't Harry got up and told me he was going to go call the boys and tell them what's going on and then he was going to get food. I nodded and he walked over to me and kissed my cheek then walked out the door leaving me alone with my mother "please mom please just wake up you're all I have left I can't trust dad and I can't trust Samual either I just need you to wake up please"I begged holding onto her hand just a little bit tighter.

The tears have never stopped and I don't think they will soon. A nurse came in the room "Miss I'm afraid your mother signed papers that said if there was no brain activity and the test came back negative, that we have to unplug her from machines so I'm afraid you're going to have to say goodbye because there is no brain activity and there's no signs that she is ever going to wake up I'm very very sorry but it's what your mother wants"she said walking over to the machines that my mom was hooked up to.

"wait at least wait until my brother comes back so he can say goodbye please and then you can do it please just wait I'll call him please "I begged her the tears run even faster down my cheeks "OK I'll will wait until your brother gets here"she said slowly walking out of the room. I picked up my phone and called Samuel.
"Samuel you need to get back here right now they're going to unplug Mom from machines because she signed some damn papers that said they had to you need to get here quick please"I nearly yelled and sobbed through the phone "OK I'll be there as fast as I can"he said 20 minutes later he was. where the hell was he.

We said our goodbyes and the nurse came back in. by this time Harry has come back he was standing beside me holding me. trying to calm me down as the nurse unplugged all of her machines.

It was over and done my mother was gone. My brother told me that our father was fine and that he was just sleeping because they gave him pain medication because he had a few cracked ribs a broken leg and arm but I could of care less. I never wanted to see his face again. he killed my mother. he got behind the wheel drunk nearly killed my brother and killed my mother.

the one person in my actual family that I trusted, the one person who would never hurt anyone, the one caring person in my family was gone forever.

Harry managed to calm me down a little bit. at least enough to get me into a The car to our hotel. he told me how sorry he was for what happened and that everything was going to be OK. part of me believes him and part of me Didn't. that part that had lost my mother. I lost something that I never thought I'd have to loose, but I had harry. I'd be fine...


we got into the hotel. I got into my pJs. harry striped down to his boxers and we just cuddle in bed.

he held me tight never letting go.

I fell asleep, tired from all the crying and heartbreak.


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Updated on 3/17/2017 Word count 1711 writer Zalla

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