Chapter 3

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( Simmer's Point of view )

We got to his car and got in. the drive to the hotel wasn't that long maybe 20 minutes. I don't know I really wasn't paying attention. Harry had one of his security guards drive so he was in the back with me, sitting next to me my head rest on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around my shoulder. I cuddled into him finally feeling safe

well cuddled as much as I could with the seatbelt around me. we arrived at the hotel, there are some fans and paparazzi waiting there. I could hear the Fans screaming Harry's name. I ignored them for a while until one of them screamed out mine "simmer you bitch get away from harry you ugly whore"she called out I could feel the tears in my eyes.

I've had a really emotional week with my family that it wasn't so much what she said it was that she said it and at the time she said it. I've just been really emotional I guess especially lately. I didn't want her to see my weakness or anyone at all so I shoved it down and the tears I Blinked a few times and they were mostly gone. I thought I was putting on a brave act as I got out of the car all the way. Harry's security got my bags and we walked in.

Harry had his arm wrapped around my waist. I could see on his face that he heard what the girl said as we walked in. he was angry you could read it on his face. just before we were about to walk into the hotel I heard her scream again "Harry I don't get why you're with her she's ugly bitch you should be with me instead"she said even louder this time which really surprised me. harry stopped for a second. I could see his face get even more red and even

angrier he wanted to turn around but I talked him out of it "don't do it it's not worth it it doesn't matter it means nothing she's just jealous"I said whimpering just a little. his arm tighten around me as he continued to walk in to the hotel. we went straight up to his room. once we were there he turned me around and said "I'm so sorry she had no right to say those things none of them are true you're absolutely beautiful and I love you so so much don't ever listen to them I love you simmer"I smiled and hugged him really really tight.

I let a few tears run down my cheeks. I didn't really control them they kind of just came out of the Blue I guess I've been holding them in for a while. I pulled away slightly to look into his eyes, his beautiful emerald green eyes
He brought his hands up to my cheeks and wiped away the tears. I smiled and leaned in closer to his face. he did the same. our lips met for the second time that day we backed away from each

other to catch our breath "I love you simmer so so much"he said a little bit out of breath "I love you too Harry I will always love you no matter what you are the best thing that has ever happened me"I said he smiled and grab my hand. we sat on the couch for a while just cuddling with each other not doing anything just soaking in each other being there, but all of a sudden my phone started to ring I picked it up and I didn't look at the caller ID I know stupid of me.

"Simmer what do you think you're doing switching schools being in a different country what the hell are you thinking you bitch you should be here helping Mom and taking a beating for me"I heard my brother say. I completely froze. I drop my phone and I guess Harry noticed he picked it up again "hello"he said in a questioning tone. I kind of just sat there and stared at the wall but I can hear my brother on the other end of the phone "styles how did I know it was you what are you doing my sister she is supposed to be here not with you that bitch is supposed to be here"he almost nearly yelled through the phone.

"what am I doing I'm protecting her I'm getting her away from you and your father so don't even Yell at me don't think about calling back or at all"he yelled through the phone and then hung up. I started hyperventilating and crying as soon as Harry hung up and put my phone on the table beside the couch. he wrapped his arms around me

rocky me back-and-forth slowly singing softly in my ear telling me it was going to be OK while running a hand through my hair, until I was finally calm down "it's OK baby I've got you no one's going to get you none of them are they won't be able to find you you're safe I promise"he said he still slowly rock me back and forth until finally. I fell asleep finally feeling safe in the arms of the one I love.


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Updated on 3/10/2017. word count 998 . writer Zalla

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