Chapter 6• I Have Everything When All I Need is Nothing.

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Edited 5-20-17

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Enjoy! <3
Jessica's POV
The song helps with the emotion of the chapter. Play it whenever you would like though.

I woke up when I felt like I needed to. I need beauty sleep. How do you think I look so fabulous? My pink furry eye mask was blocking out the hideous sun. Seriously, who made it yellow? I pulled the eye mask off so I could be blinded by the light. I pulled my silk covers off and stepped off of my bed onto my rug. My slippers were specially made by my daddy. They were made out of Charmeuse silk. All I know that it is really expensive. Making my way to my marble bathroom, I looked into my mirror on my wall and twirled my hair.

"Who are you gorgeous?" I said smiling continuing to twirling my hair.

"Rawr," I shaped my hands into a claw while I fluttered my eyelashes.

Seconds later, my Chow Chow dog came in and tried to lick my slippers. Seeing this, I looked down while trying escaping him.

"Boy down...down boy!" I squealed and ran into my bathroom. The marble floor was beautiful and luminous under the enormous chandelier hanging above me. I looked into the mirror and smiled a fake smile. I stripped my pink robe and stepped into the 2 person shower.

After I had showered with my expensive products, I dried my body off. I had already picked out my outfit. Usually, Ryder would come over and help me pick out a cute outfit.

I took a deep breath as my chest felt heavy. Ryder broke my heart, every time he didn't listen, every time he didn't look, every time he didn't care. He never cared, that's why my heart is broken. I just wanted someone to hold me and to make me feel wanted. Without Ryder, I have nothing. Yet, I have everything.

Slowly, I opened my eyes to see myself standing in the mirror, tears prickling down my face. My face red with emotion. My eyes, swirling with hatred. My body, showing no signs of me not eating. My hair, flat and empty. I see Jessica Carter. Empty and lonely. Although I do not show it, I am not whole. Ryder was my whole. Ryder was my puzzle piece. Ryder was my everything.
I am Jessica Carter and I am a bully.
The real reason why I am unhappy, is because I have everything - when all I need is nothing. All they see me as is nothing. All I feel about myself is nothing. All I want people to see me as is happy. They don't see the real me. I'm Jessica Carter and I don't feel wanted.

So, this chapter was really emotional and sad especially because I never thought that Jessica was like that, but I guess they do say that "hurt people, hurt people" and in this case, it's true.

I didn't really know where the sad part of me came from, but I feel like Jessica could be like this because of how perfect she is. She has to have 1 flaw. Anyways, I will talk to you tomorrow and don't forget to vote and comment.
This chapter was only 589 words long.

Don't be a shy reader!

-Mai <3

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