Chapter 19• Don't Be Scared with Me

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Edited 5-20-17

Hey guys! Sorrrryyyyy! I feel like I apologize everytime I update. Anyways, you guys just want to read the chapter sooo... here goes nothing! Also, thank you for 1 thousand votes! Sorry for not updating in forever! Just needed a break :)
Scarlet's POV

"Hey, can you toss me an apple," Sam asked from the living room. I was currently standing in the kitchen.

I nodded and grabbed an apple out of the fruit bowl. I turned around and tossed the apple towards him. He caught it, perfectly. He had always been perfect at everything. Why couldn't I be  more like him?

I read the clock to check what time it was. It was 3:00 in the afternoon. I had just gotten back from school and the day wasn't that bad. I mean I saw Ryder, so that's fine. I sound desperate.

Jessica was dressing in "different" clothes. Today she had sweatpants on and a sweatshirt. Who knew she was into Pink Floyd. Her eyeliner was smeared as well as her mascara. It's like she had been crying. I didn't think much of it.

I checked my phone to see if anyone texted me. 1 new message from Ryder.

Ryder: hey

Me: hi :)

Ryder: are you busy??

Me: if you count watching my brother watching tv, then yes 😂

Ryder: wanna hang out?

Me: sure. what time?

Ryder: now?

Me: ok. do I need to change?

Ryder: your perfect 😉

Me: original 😊

Ryder: your original

Me: stop being cheesy... you are making me blush! pick me up :)
Seen at 3:08

With this, I put away my phone into my jeans pocket and sat by my brother. He was smirking. Probably from all of my blushing.

"You seem happy," he turned to me.

"I am," I responded before smiling. If he knew the reason why I was happy, he would be overprotective.

"Is it one of your friends?" Cough cough. "because I don't want another one of them hitting on me," he spoke. "Plus, I have a girlfriend," he added strongly.

He didn't know about Jessica. My heart dropped into the pit of my stomach. I was dating the guy that my brothers girlfriend cheated on him with. This was too confusing. Speaking of date, I heard a honk outside.

I hugged my brother goodbye before slipping on my shoes and heading towards the motorcycle. Wait!

"You brought a m-motorcycle?" I stuttered nervously. I had never been on one. They don't very look safe.

"Yeah," he winked. I bit my lip and looked down at my feet.

"What's wrong?" he asked while handing me a helmet.

I took the helmet from him and confessed. "I'm scared."

"Hold onto me and you will be fine" he grinned. I nodded before straddling the back of the bike. He sat on in front of me. "Put your arms here" he wrapped my petite arms around his torso. I had already put on the helmet. He didn't wear one. That worried me a little bit because I have read books where the boyfriend dies because of something tragic.

"I'm scared," I told him.

"Don't be scared with me" he turned around and pecked my lips. I felt comforted a little now. At least he knew what he was doing.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I spoke. Here goes nothing.

Hey guys! I am back! Finally after 18 years! Did you miss me? I know this chapter is short, but tomorrow there is going to be an awesome chapter and I hope you are excited!! I know it's a cliffhanger, don't mind me ;)

This chapter is 614 words!


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