Chapter 21• Have you ever been in Love?

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Edited 5-20-17

Hey guys! I'm back :) Happy easter! Love you ❤ Don't forget to comment and vote!

Waking up in the car, I felt so tired. Ryder had decided that he didn't want to go to the racing due to a safety issue. He was also really possessive. He told me that if a guy ever looked at me, he would beat their face in.

I just laughed. I was scared. I was scared of falling for him. I was scared that he wouldn't like me like that.

Right now he was driving with his hand intertwined with mine. He rubbed his thumb over my knuckle. I loved it when he did this because he was acknowledging that I was there.

"I can see you staring at me," he teased.

"Who said I was staring at you?" I joked back. "I might be staring at the cute guy in the car beside us" I laughed. There was no one by us.

He whipped his head to the left angrily and I giggled. "Scarlet" he sternly said.

"What?" I innocently asked.

"I'm the only guy you can look at like that," he kissed my hand that was still in his hold.

"I know" I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Have you ever been in love?" I blurted.

I could see him tense. His eyes widened. "Ummm" he mumbled.

"N-No" his voice cracked. I made him nervous?

"Oh" I smiled a fake smile. I guess my hopes were high because half of me was expecting him to say 'I love you' right then. What if he doesn't love me?

"Why do you ask?" He awkwardly laughed.

"No reason, just curious" I shrugged.

"I was in love with someone once" he cleared his throat and shifted in his seat.

"What was her name?" I asked curiously.

"S-" he was cut off when a semi swerved into our lane. Ryder shouted profanities. I grabbed my seatbelt. Everything was in slow motion until I hit my head on the seat in front of me.
Sorry for the awful cliffhanger. I am so sorry for not updating earlier. I know this is really short, but I am deciding to make the next update a special milestone. I love you guys.

This has 381 words!


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