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"Hahahaha!" Jordyn laughs, as she runs away from me.

"You're such a kid. You know that?" I walk.

She stops and faces me, crossing her arms. "Am not." She pouts.

I smile and then ran to her and grabbed her. "Gotcha!" I spin her around.

"You c...cheated!" She giggles.

On school nights, is when Jordyn and I hang out the most. That saves us from Jay catching us. We hang out in school, but in our secret hide outs. We plan on telling Jay this week, so we're writing a scrip on how we should tell him.

"There are no rules to playing catch." I put her down and then bring my hands down to her waist. "You lost." I kiss her forehead.

She smiles and reaches for my lips. "I hope you d...did your homework before you came and got me."

"Yes mom. I did." I meet her half way and we kiss. "I hope you did." I say after breaking up our kiss.

She looks at me as if I said something stupid, which I did. "Right." I smile. "Miss Jordyn will never go a day without doing her homework because a B on her report card will hurt her." I joke.

"Since I w...want to go to Alabama for college, I have to keep my grades up."

I frown. "Alabama?" I repeat. "So you'd like to do a long distance relationship?" I ask.

Now that she brought up Alabama, I remember the conversation we had weeks ago. The day Jay and I found her in the cemetery, pouring her eyes out. I wasn't surprised then, but now that we go out, I'm hurt.

She looks up at me, through those thick glasses of hers. "You c...can come with me." She says in a soft tone.

"But I really want to go to UCLA. What does Alabama have that UCLA doesn't, that makes you want to go there?" I ask.

"A f...fresh new start." She pause. "What d...does UCLA have that Bama doesn't?"

"My application fee." I paid $40 just to get accepted into UCLA. That's the school I always wanted to attend since I first started high school. They came to visit our school to talk to some seniors and I snuck in. I loved their presentation and the way the environment looks. I am meant to be a Bruins.

She rolls her eyes. "I d...don't know. What can we do?" She asks.

"So we'll only have 5 months to date until we go our separate ways?" I ask.

I can see the hurt in her eyes. I'm pretty hurt by this too. Alabama is half way across the country. How can we possibly date? We won't be able to see each other, unless if it's the holidays and barley talk because we might have different schedules and on top of that, different time zones.

"We shouldn't be w...worried about that now." She hands me my jacket. "It's g...getting late. We should head home." She leads the way. I'm pretty upset right now. I don't want to fall in love with her, and at the end, we'll be going our separate ways. That'll make no sense.


The car ride was pretty silent. Instead of bringing her home right away, I drove to the nearest yogurt shop. We should talk and work this out because I don't want us to be mad at each other forever. "Baby girl." I say her name, trying to get her to look up from her yogurt, that she has not yet ate out of.

Darius CarterWhere stories live. Discover now