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From : nightmare

Love ? I miss you :)

Jimin cringed and locked his phone , sighing in frustration , he's getting tired of this sick game .

He wants this to be over because this person scares him more and more everytime , this man knows everything about him , watches him all day , and follows him everywhere . He even orders him around and tells him what and what not to do with others .

It's been a month since the texts started and he went to the police station two times already , but nothing was done about it . Right after quitting the precinct , he got a text from the man with only a smiley in it .

He would lie if he said he wasn't affected by it , maybe that man would actually come to him and hurt him some day . He even told the group about it , but they assured him saying that it was a useless saesang again and that they have no power to go further than a bit of stalking .

But jimin had a feeling that this person had planned way more than that , he started being paranoid , everytime he's with other members , he looked around to see it anyone was there , and as soon as someone touched him he quickly drew back and excused himself , frequently getting smiley texts after the act .

It was now two months since the first text , and jimin slept less and less every night . He usually got messages saying that he should sleep , but last week he recieved a letter . A mail letter . On his desk .

That means jungkook , his name was , knew where he lived , and got in the house to set the letter in his own room while he was away . And when he told the hyungs about it , they took it seriously , talked to their manager and went to the police altogether .

Then again , nothing happenned . The texts were still there , jungkook was still there , but jimin's sanity was fading away .

He changed his number twice but things were still the same , maybe it took a couple of days before the texts got back to him , but jungkook always found a way .

Now , he couldn't close an eye , afraid that the crazy man would kidnapp him or do something to him in his sleep , he tried his best to obey him just so he would leave him some space , but it was pointless since whatever jimin would do he was always stalked 24/7 .

He looked around the dark room , tears falling from his eyes , probably due to fatigue and stress , but also fear . He was scared . He hugged his pillow tight and muffled his sobs in it , trying had not to break down .

Suddenly , a buzz was heard and jimin's eyes shot open frightenned . He slowly reached to the phone on the nightstand and took it in his shaking hands , debating on whether to read the message or not , but finally he deciding for the latter , knowing that it would only bring out more rage from jungkook if he refused to see it .

From : nightmare

Baby don't cry please , i hate seeing you in pain

He clenched his jaws and cried harder , he hated this , he hated it so much he just wanted this to stop once and for all .

From : nightmare

Jimin please don't do this to me , and you should change that contact name or i'm gonna do it myself :)

Please jungkook leave me alone !! I beg of you !! If you really love me like you said you do then please let me live peacefully !!

I know what you mean darling but i can't , i wanted to stop but i couldn't help it , i love you way too much to let you go , please understand my passion towards you , love :)

But i don't give a shit about your fucking passion !! Can't you see that i'm hurting because of it ?!!

Oh you don't mean that , love .

Yes !! Yes i do mean it with all my fucking heart and soul !! I hate you and i wish for you to die rotting in a fucking cave !!

Calm down love , you are tired and you need rest for your brain to function straight again , should i come cuddle you to sleep ? :)

Oh god no ! Please jungkook just let me be !!

Alright then , sweet dreams :)


Aannnnnddd I totally forgot to update sorry ^^"
There you go ! New chapter ! I promise to update soon dw !!
What do you think about jimin being scared of what jungkook might do ?

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