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Jimin woke up slowly feeling his head throb , he opened his eyelids to an unfamiliar room with a beautiful view to the sea . He wondered if it was real or just a dream , then he remembered this morning's events , he wished he had just woken up from that long nightmare .

He got up and stood by the glass door of the balcony , just admiring the gorgeous view of the sun setting behind the horizon , the beautiful and warm colors reflecting on the peaceful water , the green trees and flowers adorning the shore , the little birds flying to their nests , it was amazing . But he was easily brought out of his nice time , by the sound of a door openning .

His breath hitched and he walked closer to see who it was , turns out it was a bad idea .

" hey there , how was you nap , love ? "

Jimin's eyes widenned at the sound of that voice , the face of that man , and the words he spoke . He walked back a few step , until his back hit the wall .

" no ... This is not hapenning " he muttered as his vision started blurring , he shook his head when jungkook got closer .

" don't be afraid of me baby , i will not hurt you " he sweetly said , wanting to reach with a hand and cup the smaller's face , but the latter drew away quickly .

Jungkook got angry at his affection denial , so he smiled and took jimin's face in his palm by force .

" baby look at me " he asked and the said man shut his eyes and shook his head in his hold .

" i said look at me !! " he snapped and jimin whimpered lowly and complied .

He looked into his eyes , and saw crazy , insane , emotions in them . Jungkook scared him so much , he wanted to disappear from there .

" when i want to show you my affection you will accept it !! I don't want to hurt you , love , but if you reject me , i'll be forced to do it " Jimin cried and nodded , feeling jungkook release his jaw from his strong hand .

" good boy , now get changed to the clothes i set in closet and come have dinner with me , i cooked kimchi stew , your favorite " he smiled and left .

Jimin crumbled on the floor and cried in his hands , he screamed and sobbed , he wanted to get away from there but he couldn't , unless it was by swim.

He decided to do as ordered and get dressed up . The outfit chosen wasn't so bad , jungkook didn't have a bad taste in fashion , simple , but a classic . It was a white dress shirt , ripped light blue jeans , and white converse shoes . He wore them , tucking the shirt inside the jeans , and fixed his chocolate brown hair , before walking out of the room .

He saw a well set table at the corner by the glass wall , and jungkook near the counter dealing with their drinks . As soon as the man saw him , he smiled and winked , making jimin cringe internally .

" you look gorgeous , love " he said in a husky voice , and he just smiled in return , not trusting his mind in saying something other than insults .

" have a seat baby , this is all for you " he said pulled the chair for him .

Jungkook poured red wine in his and his lover's cups then started eating , or at least he started eating , because all jimin did was stare at his plate and gulp .

" eat darling , i don't want you to go starving later " he chuckled , but the other made no reaction , which pissed him off .

" I . Said . Eat " he growled and stared at him intensly , and it worked because jimin took a bite right away .

The dishes weren't bad at all , jungkook was a very good cook , but jimin kind of understood that after all the breakfasts he left on the desk .

" how is it , love ? " he asked sweetly .

" i-it's really good " he replied with a small smile , and jungkook reflected it , sliding his hand across the silky tablecloth and taking jimin's little one in his own , to which jimin jolted a little but jungkook made sure the hold was tight enough for jimin not to pull back , and when he calmed down , he made it softer , carresing his knuckles with his thumb .

" i've been waiting so long for a moment like this " he whispered and kissed jimin's hand softly .

Jimin laughed awkwardly and looked back at his food . Why was this meal taking longer than it should be ?! He thought .


Hello err'one ! This chapter is kinda boring but i promise you'll like the ones after ;)

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