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"So, that's the big mystery behind the house." Lennox exclaimed with a devious grin on her face and I nodded, "I wondered why people were asking so many questions. Time to break out the ghost stories."

Everyone helped clear out the table but Aleia refused to let me anywhere near her kitchen. It was her firm belief that, as a guest, I shouldn't have to lift so much as a finger to help. I wished my dad would follow that guide.

He makes Julian mow our front lawn whenever he gets the chance.

"Is someone going to mention the elephant in the room now." Lance's voice was quiet but it boomed like a clash of thunder. He drummed his fingers against the table and watched Elias through a stony eyed gaze, "The food will only distract her for so long, uncle. She wants to know the truth now."

Cedric's hand curled into a fist on the table and he glared, "Easy, Lance." He growled looking extremely unimpressed but Lance didn't even spare him a glance, "There's no need to be so damn blunt."

I hated to admit it, but Lance was right. Now that my hunger was satiated, an even more intense one took its place and I desperately wanted answers.

"Of course, Lance." Elias gave the young man a hard look, "But this will be on Adriana's terms. If she wants to talk about it now, then we shall. My apologies, Adriana. He didn't mean to be rude."

Lance lifted his gaze to meet mines. It was a cold, hard blue abyss that reminded me of the colour of the ocean during the storm. He didn't look apologetic in the slightest but inclined his head slightly, my insides twisted and I inhaled deeply.

"I would like to know." I stated hoping that I sounded more confident than I felt, "I have questions."

Too many questions to count. Elias nodded understandingly, and wheeled himself away from the table, "Cedric. Would you mind joining us?" He asked pleasantly, and I was surprised to find how relieved I felt.

Cedric turned to me with a question of his own lingering in his honey glazed eyes; permission. A small smile shaped my lips and he turned, "Fine with me." He grinned making that killer dimple pop out and I tried not to stare, "Someone save me dessert."

Lennox scoffed in distaste and rolled her eyes at the smug grin Cedric shot her direction, "Scream if you need assistance." She murmured as I passed her by, "I have a flask on standby if required later."

I couldn't tell if she was joking or not, but I found comfort in her words. I wondered what Julian would do if he was here. I can't remember a time when I didn't go through something so serious with him; I was even with him when I got my first period, and when I got tested at the hospital.

We've been through everything together, shared everything between us.

Cedric stayed by my side, trailing behind Elias who navigated our way through the mansion flawlessly. He lowered his head to speak into my ear, "How are you feeling?" He murmured resting a hand on my lower back again, this time more comfortably.

"I'm scared." I blurted without thinking, and flames rose under the skin of my cheeks. Why stop now? I might as well carry on. Cedric nodded understandingly, "You're scared that you might get the answers you don't want to hear." He guessed with exact precision.

That was the understatement of the year. I was scared that my 'condition' would get more complicated than it already was; that my freakiness would break the invisible radar even by my standards. I already knew that it was abnormal, that I was abnormal.

But so was Cedric. I had saw that.

I assumed that the room we walked into was Elias's study. I forgot to ask what it is that he does for a living, and found myself desperately searching for a way out of this conversation. It was a really nice office, with a nice view of the shore.

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