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"Dinner with the Salvador's, huh? I see how it is."    

Julian slapped shut my locker with a scowl on his face and I blinked at him in amazement. A throbbing pain pulsed through my temples, I couldn't deal with his playful drama when I felt like someone had crashed my head through a wall multiple times.

I'm not that dedicated to anyone.

"And, how is it?" I drawled questionably. Handing him over my textbooks as we fell into step towards our chemistry class, "Because I do love the manic theories you can whip up over the littlest things."

My best friends handsome face shifted into a quizzical expression and he shrugged a broad shoulder, "I get it, you know. You've never really had a girlfriend, so I get why you would want to hang out with Lennox without me and talk...girl. But I can do that too, I was there when you got your first period-"

"Julian!" I scowled slapping his arm hard and he yelped, "I only went because my dad made me, okay?"

Julian rolled his eyes at me a little and shoved my shoulder lightly, "Like you do anything you don't want to, I know you Ade." He grinned and slung a heavy arm over my shoulders, "But luckily for you, I'm not self-conscious. Are you going to come watch try-outs later?"

"Do I have to?" I groaned filing through the door into the morbidly hot classroom, "It's hot out."

I knew that I would end up on those godforsaken bleachers in the baking sun because for some reason I done it every damn year. Football try-outs were probably the most important thing to Julian, that and all his games of course. Which meant that I had to support him because I knew he always had my back.

Even though I didn't even understand sports, besides from running.

"Wear a hat, slap on some sun cream." Julian snorted once we were sat behind our usual desk and my shoulders slumped a little, "I'll even give you and your lame bike a ride home after."

My brows rose in question but before I could open my mouth, the devil himself swept into the room. Cedric grinned once he caught sight of me, that dimpled smile that made my head spin a little, although I wasn't sure why. It was like the heat wasn't even affecting him, he even had the balls to be in a black T-shirt.

"Another new kid." Julian nudged me so hard that I nearly toppled from my stool, "Braedon Salvador."

I didn't even notice him, too stupidly star struck by Cedric. I let my gaze sweep over the sun kissed god and towards the lanky, disgustingly attractive young man beside him. I could basically hear the ovaries of every girl explode in the classroom at the surprise double whammy of what they'd accept as gifts from a higher power.

"Hey, Adriana. Julian." Cedric grinned at me before exchanging a manly nod with Julian, who stared at the two of them with a stoic expression, "Braedon, this is who I was talking about; Adriana Crest."

Braedon towered over me with a slight smirk and an irritatingly knowing gleam in his wicked blue gaze, "Oh, so this is the famous Adriana." He murmured nodding slowly, "I feel like I already know you."

Cedric muttered under his breath as a tinge of pink flooded under his cheeks and Julian choked back what suspiciously sounded like a laugh. I don't even know why I could feel my own cheeks burning but I could and it was seriously uncomfortable, all the while Braedon grinned in amusement.

"How unfortunate for you." Julian snorted sarcastically and I rolled my eyes, but I was thankful because I had no idea of what to say to that. Did that mean that Cedric spoke about me often? And if he did, then should I care? "Better check your seats before Nape gives you detention; he's a pain."

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