Chapter three

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Hey guys :D so my computer like spazzed and deleted the whole chapter which I spent days doing so I had to write it ALL OVER AGAIN :( But I did my best to remember everythinf :) i hope you enjoy and please comment/vote/fan :)

Love Ella :) xx

‘Do I look alright?’ Harry straightened his blazer a bit.

He does, he looks amazing, his soft chocolaty curls flopping over his emerald eyes and his gorgeous dimples, his tight skinny jeans and black blazer fit him perfectly..


‘Yeah you look great!’

‘Thanks, well I’m gonna go now, I’ll see you later!’ He beamed and headed to the door. Without even thinking about it, I reached out and grabbed his wrist.

‘Yes?’ He spun and looked at me, puzzled.

‘Umm, nothing’

He still looked confused but headed out looking over his shoulder at me as he left. I stood for a second thinking.

‘Louis?’ Zayn had walked up behind me and made be jump.

‘Um yeah’ I know what he’s gonna ask.

‘Why did you do that to Harry?’

‘I’m worried about him because he doesn’t know her very well, and, and I don’t really like the looks of her.’ That was kind of honest?

‘Right’ He obviously wasn’t buying it.

Liam and Niall are out getting food so we decided to watch some TV, Zayn still looking at me curiously, until they come back.

‘Tell me honestly why you didn’t let Harry go before?’ 

The thing is I can’t tell him, as much as I want to. I trust all the boys and tell them everything but the reason I can’t tell him is because, I don’t know the answer myself. I do these things without thinking. I have not the slightest clue why I stopped Harry.



‘You keep daydreaming, and not answering the question. The other day before we left, you didn’t join the lads and I for a movie and you always do. There is something up Lou, I can tell. You can tell me, I want to help you’ Zayn looked at me with sympathy in his eyes.

‘The thing is, I want to tell you but I can’t. Because, because I don’t even know the answer myself!’ I blurted out scratching the back of my head.

Luckily Niall and Liam returned saving me from having to admit anything else. I know Zayn would help me, I know he would. But I keep doing weird things that I don’t even know the answer to myself.

After watching a movie and finishing a few pizzas Liam headed to bed soon followed by Niall.

‘You really should go to bed Lou, its 3am!’

‘I’m waiting for Harry’ I mumbled, I’m not budging.

‘Ok, I’ll see you tomorrow Lou’ with that he disappeared.

I waited and waited. When it got to 3am I gave in and grabbed my phone and dialled Harry’s number. Straight to answer phone. This isn’t right, either he just hung up on me or it’s off. I jumped up and grabbed my hoodie and keys and headed out into the blizzard of snow.

‘HARRY!’ I yelled a few times but no reply.

I trudged down to the restraint which was closed. Oh my god, how am I supposed to find him? A homeless man sat on the ledge of the restraint looking at me.

Lying with you (a larry stylinson boyxboy fanfic)  :DWhere stories live. Discover now