Chapter seven

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Heyy, so sorry this chapter is really short but it's cause the next one is really long and is a really important one for the whole story and also I have school which means lot's of stupiid homework and GCSE shizz blehh :( So yahh I hope you like it and it may be a bit longer before I upload the next chapter but yeah sorry but it's gonna be really long :D please comment/vote/fan XD

love Ella xx

Harry’s p.o.v:

(A couple of days later)

‘Lou’ I sighed flopping down on the sofa next to him.


‘Have you thought that, that maybe you and Eleanor should maybe erm take a break?’

God that sounds even worse out loud than it did in my head.

‘No! Why should I do that?!’ I knew he would get flustered about it.

‘Erm well, you and her have been going out for quite a while and it’s good to see different people sometimes’

‘But I love Eleanor!’

‘Well umm, Ok I give up!’ I threw my arms in the air and then buried my face in my hands. I really do give up. This stupid holiday has just ended up being a death-trap I swear! I got concussion from a snowball, Lou slit his side, I got tricked by a witch of a girl that actually loves Louis, then she kidnaps him and intrudes in our cabin knocking everyone out except me, so she can ask me to get Louis to break up with his girlfriend who I set up for him. Urghh, if I don’t do that she’ll kill me! Literally! Louis was really keen on me getting with her at first but after a first date she sets herself on doing anything to get Lou! And, I keep getting these weird feelings which caused me to try and ignore Lou, in the end we had a fall out! Which we never have!

I can’t take this anymore!

‘What’s wrong Haz?’ Lou put his arm around my back drawing circles with his finger.

‘I can’t tell you’

‘OH MY GOD! Not this again!’

‘I’m sorry!’

‘This is the third thing you’ve hid from me!’ He’s right and I need to tell him, but I can’t!

Louis doesn’t like secrets or surprises or anything like that.  Everyone knows that but since we’ve got to this stupid ski resort everything has gone downhill in our friend ship.

‘Right I see you can’t tell me’ he stood up and started off down the hall.

‘LOU! Come back!’

‘Why? You gonna tell me some of your secrets?’

‘Well... I umm’

‘Ok’ he carried on walking. He doesn’t know how much I want to tell him right now.

‘Fine, I’ll tell you.’

I have to do it; I don’t want to sacrifice our friendship.

‘Ok well umm, go in there’ I gestured towards my room as Alice can’t know I’m telling him otherwise she will kill me in my sleep. Or that’s what she said anyway.

Louis went and sat on the bed and looked at me expectantly. Damn he looks hot..

WHAT?! There is no way I just said that! No way!

‘No way you didn’t say what?’ shi* I said that aloud didn’t I.


‘Okay’ Louis looked suspicious. He reads me like a book I swear.

‘Ok, you want me to tell you why I want you and Eleanor to split don’t you?’

‘Yeah! You did set us up so I’m really confused at the moment’

‘Okay so the reason is...’ I have to tell him, it’s not fair to keep secrets from him ‘is....’ Alice will kill me though, oh my gosh, think Harry, think! ‘Cause...’ Come up with an excuse if you can’t tell him....



Think Harry!

‘Because, I, I love you!’ SH*T THAT WHAT?! I HAVE NOT JUST SAID THAT! Louis’ jaw dropped and I swear his eyes nearly popped out!

Louis just opened his mouth and closed it. He looked shocked, I’m not surprised, I’m shocked and I’m the one that said it in the first place. I don’t even know where that came from. WHAT DID I JUST DO?!  CAN THIS FU*KING HOLIDAY GET ANY F*CKING WORSE!

Louis stood up, his mouth still open.

‘I—I ermm, I’ He stutted, searching for words.

‘Lou I-I know it’s a shock, but this is why I-I-I didn’t want to tell you’ God, keep with it Haz. If I’ve dug myself into this stupid hole I don’t want it to get any worse. I have to pretend I am going out with him, otherwise, well I don’t know how he’d react if he found out that I’ve just lied to him! After keeping all these secrets from him!

‘I-It’s umm, I understand. I umm well, I, how long has this been going on for?’

‘Well, umm quite a while, I fixed you up with Eleanor to hide the fact that I was fall—f---falling for you’ Good, that was a great excuse!

‘Well, umm, I get it.’

Louis’ p.o.v:

WHAT THE HELL HAS HARRY JUST TOLD ME?! I don’t know what to say! I mean, I’m a straight guy, I like girls, but what do I do if my best friend is in love with me!? What on earth?!

‘Louis, forget about it, don’t tell anyone, ok?’

‘Do the boys know?’

‘Umm, Y-y-yeah?’

‘You don’t sound sure’

‘No they don’t.’

‘Well can they know?’

‘I don’t mind but, well keep dating Eleanor; I was being stupid thinking you’d love me back’

Shi* what do I say?! He thinks he’s being stupid! And what he just said?! I feel so bad! But I oh my gosh. This is a f*cking mess!

What am I gonna do?

Lying with you (a larry stylinson boyxboy fanfic)  :DWhere stories live. Discover now