Chapter twenty-three

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Heyy! here's chapter twenty-three! 

IMPORTANT- haha yeah, just sayying there are 5 chapters of this story left :'( but I will try and make them good ones! But good news is that I am starting my new fanfic when I end this one :) I decided as I got such a variaty of replies about what it should be about I am going to do a massive mixture of bromances and it's one big mess of love ;)

Song for this chapter- Don't wake me up, Chris Brown :) (great song btw)

Please comment/vote/fan

Love Ella xx

Zayn’s p.o.v:

We sat outside Harry’s hospital room. Liam was asleep on Niall’s as he stayed up all night by Harry’s side. Niall sat staring out the window. Louis had his head in his hands and he was bobbing his knee up and down nervously.

‘Are you Mr. Styles friends?’ A woman holding a clip board poked her head out of Harry’s room.

‘Yes!’ Louis’ head shot up and he soon stood up too.

‘You can go and see Harry if you want’ I can’t read her expression, is that a good thing or a bad thing?

‘Louis you go in first’ I said. I think Louis should spend some time alone with Harry.

‘Okay’ he muttered heading into the room.

Louis’ p.o.v:

I slowly wondered into the bright room.

My eyes darted over to the bed where Harry lay. WAIT.. I looked at the nurse who was shaking her head and looking at the floor and then back to Harry.

‘Is he awake?’ I spun around to the nurse.

‘Mr. Tomlinson, sit down’

I sat on a plastic chair behind me.


‘We, we don’t know whether he is going to survive—‘


‘Wait, it would be about 90 out of 100 chance of him waking up, we are doing our best Louis’

‘NO! HE IS GOING TO SURVIVE!’ I stood up and walked over to Harry.

‘Leave him’ the nurse warned.

‘Harry! WAKE UP!’ I clapped my hands in front of his face but he just lay still. His face is white like paper and his lips are dry and cracked. His hair is flopping onto his face and he isn’t even moving to breathe. Except every so often he lets out a struggled gasp for air.

‘Harry!’ I whimpered.

Liam’s p.o.v:

I heard Louis from outside. I already knew what the nurse was going to tell him.

I stood up and went into the hospital room where Louis knelt by Harry’s bed holding his hand and had his face buried into the duvet. The nurse stood behind holding his shoulder.

I could slightly see Louis’ shoulders rise and fall as he cried. Since I’ve met Louis I have never ever seen him cry. Up until yesterday. His relationship with Harry is really something special and if something happened to either the other one would act like Louis is.

‘Louis’ I tapped his arm and knelt beside him. He slowly turned around, not letting go of Harry’s hand.


‘Come here’ I pulled him in and hugged him tightly to my chest.

‘Harry’s going to make it, Niall knows for sure and Niall wouldn’t say that if he wasn’t certain’ Zayn said standing behind Louis.


Liam’s p.o.v (still):

Louis sat asleep in the chair by Harry’s bed. Zayn and Niall are outside as Zayn wanted a smoke so Niall went with him. Zayn really shouldn’t do that but in situations like this I don’t blame him. I heard a massive thump and turned around to see Louis on the floor half awake.


‘I fell of the chair’ he mumbled slowly clambering back up again.

‘Excuse me’ the nurse came in with a folder under her arm.


‘I have some good news, Harry is going to survive. He is incredibly lucky’

‘HARRY!’ Louis jumped up and then hugged me.

‘But I have someone who needs to talk to you’ huh?

A police man entered.

‘Hello boys, I have some questions to ask you’

Me and Louis exchanged worried glances.

‘Is that ok?’

‘Yes’ Louis said.

‘Where were you when this occurred? We need to figure out who did it’

‘Oh I can tell you exactly who it is, Alice Turner. She ruined our whole ski trip and threatened Harry and as he didn’t do what she said, well, she stabbed him’ Louis burst out.

‘Did she do that on your face’ He gestured towards Louis’ face.


Luckily I was holding Zayn’s jacket so I pulled his pocket mirror out the pocket. Louis eyes widened when he saw the gash on his left cheek.

‘Yes’ He said holding the side of his face.

‘Thank you’ he jotted something down before nodding his head and walking out.

Louis’ p.o.v:

Harry made a sound and I instantly spun around to see Harry’s eyelids fluttering.

‘HARRY!’ I gasped grabbing his hand.

Harry stirred a bit before he squeezed my hand so tightly he probably cut of the blood supply. His eyes remained shut though.


His eyelids slowly opened revealing his green eyes which were hazy and distant.

‘HARRY!’ I hugged him so tight and I never want to let go. He slowly hugged back but he feels shaky and weak.

‘Harry will have to stay here for about a week but we know he is going to be perfectly fine’ I smiled at that.

‘I will stay here’ I turned to Harry who smiled back but not completely awake yet.

‘Thank you’ He whispered.

Liam’s p.o.v:

Louis suddenly spun around and crashed his lips into Harry’s. WHOA.

The nurse’s eyes nearly popped out of her head and the look on her face was so priceless that I sneaked a picture of her.

Harry’s hands held onto Louis sides and Louis lent over Harry with his arms either side of Harry.

This is awkward.

Lying with you (a larry stylinson boyxboy fanfic)  :DWhere stories live. Discover now