Chapter twenty five

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Heyy! I haven't uploaded in ages! and Im so so so sorry, I will start uploading more often from now often. This is a very strange chapter and you may see why but yeah haha, three chapters left after this one! :'( But my next story prologue will be up on thursday :D yay!! hah well enjoy this odd chapter :)

Song for this chapter- Better than I know myself, Adam Lambert :)

Please comment/vote/fan :)

love Ella xx

Harry’s p.o.v:

I sat staring at the musty grey carpet. Surely with Simon having as much money as he does he could get nicer flooring, god. It had been 3 days since the last meeting with Simon, but it felt a lot longer. He had told us to come back with a decision and I guess he now knows the decision.

Last time we were here I didn’t return Louis’ feelings, but now, I do.

‘I told you to return with a decision’ Simon cleared his throat and I looked over to Louis who sat fiddling with the chord on his hoodie.

‘yes’ I said not knowing what else to say.

Simon spun his laptop screen around to reveal a clip on youtube called ‘LARRY LOVE AT LAST!’.

He hit play and I saw me kissing Louis at the interview yesterday. I haven’t actually watched it back yet. But god, it looks like I’m raping him!

When Simon turned the screen back round he sighed.

‘The fans are obviously supportive of it and I think everyone now knows about it, see how it goes boys, I’m sure you’ll make a great couple’ He smiled and gestured towards the door.

Like that? I thought he would never let us date!

When we got back to the plane I plonked myself down and plugged in my Ipod.

‘Come here’ Louis patted the seat next to him and I got up and sat next to him. I lent my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me resting it on my hip. Zayn, Niall and Liam tried not looking but I could tell they kept peeking.

‘I love you Lou’

‘I love you too Haz’

Our plane took off and we shot up into the sky above the clouds. I love being on planes, always have and always will.

I felt my eyelids growing heavy and let myself drop. I fell to the side landing on Louis’ lap and settling there. He put his hand on my back drawing small cirlcles.

Louis’ p.o.v:

I Sat with Harry’s warm, sleeping body on my lap and watching Niall and Zayn who were comparing biceps. Normal.

Lying with you (a larry stylinson boyxboy fanfic)  :DWhere stories live. Discover now