Chapter eight

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Ok so here's the next chapter :) I worked really hard on it so I hope you like it but I will not be able to uplaod for a few days as I am super addicted to writing this and I have had a ton of late homeworks that I haven't done pahahah. But yeah I do have to catch up on school work so I won't be uploading for a few days, Sorry about that ;/ To make up for it there's a suprise in this chapter :D

Please comment/vote/fan :)

Love Ella xx

Louis’ p.o.v:

I sat there sipping my tea nervously. What is going on in my head right now? In the past couple of days I’ve been trapped and drugged by the psycho Alice and my best friend told me he loved me. We have always loved each other in a friendly way like we do with Zayn, Liam and Niall. But we had an extra special relationship, in a friendly way, nothing more. Although fans like calling us ‘Larry Stylinson’ we are both completely straight, or so I thought. After what Harry said yesterday my mind has been going mental trying to think of what to do. I tell you I have never been in a situation like this before.

Harry loves girls; he’s always bringing girls back to our flat! I was not expecting him to come out with that, well what was I expecting him to come out with? He fixed me and Eleanor up! I’m glad he did as I love Eleanor! But I don’t understand the situation right now. Not at all.

I haven’t spoken to Harry since he told me. I feel bad but with all the overwhelming shock of it I just walked out of his room and I haven’t seen him since! I don’t know what I would say if I did see him. But I’m not dodging him. I’m not.

Harry’s p.o.v:

I don’t know why I told him that! I obviously don’t love him considering I’m straight and love women but well, I needed to think of an excuse and fast. If Alice found out that I had told him that she threatened me to split him and Eleanor up, god she would kill me! And she could probably find out easily considering she’s such a ninja that goes round knocking people out!

I needed to think of something on the spot! I can’t believe I came out with that though! I said I loved him! Oh my gosh, I do but as a friend for god’s sake. The worst thing is that if he found out I had lied to him and I didn’t really ‘fancy’ him, he would go mental! Well he wouldn’t normally, but considering I’ve kept quite a few things from him over the past few days that we’ve been at the ski resort.

I’m in such a horrid situation! Should I keep up and pretend I really do like him or should I admit I lied to him. Again. He would then want to know the actual reason why I want him to dump Eleanor. Which I don’t. But I couldn’t because of that bitch Alice!

This is awful!

I think I’m gonna have to pretend that I really do like him! What do I do though? How do I act well, ‘gay’?

Louis’ p.o.v:

God, I can’t take it anymore! I need to go and talk to Haz.

I wonder down the hall towards his door. It’s slightly open and a faint stream of light slips out. I can hear his TV quietly in the background. I peer round the door frame to see if he is actually in there.

‘Haz?’ I whisper.

No reply. I press the door with my index finger and it swings open slightly. He’s there. He’s sat with his back to the door, rubbing his face vigorously. I feel so bad running out the other day. I have to make it up to him.

I walk in and towards him. He doesn’t turn around, just stays with his back to me and his hands over his face.  I walk over and flop down next to him.

Lying with you (a larry stylinson boyxboy fanfic)  :DWhere stories live. Discover now