Chapter Nineteen

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Gerard’s P.O.V

My heart raced as I hid, crouching down in the shadows in one of the alleyways of Battery City. It was just me here as I pictured Dawn walking down this very alley humming a tune that she had no memory of. I sighed, I needed to get back to her and Frank for backup.

I let out a hurt sigh as I shifted my weight, a hand pressed firmly against my aching side. We had made a huge mistake. On our way in, we had swiped the ID card only to have a timer counting down from ten for a security code to stop it and enter. The seconds wore out and an alarm sounded.

At least ten dracs rounded the corner and beat us. I managed to barely get away but Mikey and Ray did not. I had to get back to the diner, I couldn’t do this alone.

I debated on whether or not I should steal a bike. If I got caught then there was no way that I was saving Mikey or Ray.

The Trans Am was on the complete opposite side of Battery City where no one could see it unless you knew it was there. It was too much of a risk to cover that much ground. Surely there’d be dracs patrolling the area, looking for a red haired man on the run. Like that was hard to spot.

I slid out through the gates and into Zone One on foot with my ray gun clutched tightly in my hand. At this rate, I would be there in a few days.

An engine roared up from the desert, my gun immediately meeting every direction around me. In the distance, a Trans Am sped off towards the mountains. Using all the voice I had inside me, I waved my arms and jumped up and down, “Hey!”

The passenger turned to the driver and the car slowed to a stop. The passenger stuck their head out and took a look around. I shouted again and started running for the car. The passenger pointed and got back in the Trans Am, the wheels turning around and spinning towards me.

“P.P.?” A familiar voice called over the engine.

“Yeah, it’s me. Adele, E.S. is that you?” I asked, peering through the sand their tires brought up.

“Of course, what that hell happened to you?” Adele gasped from the passenger side as the sand began to settle.

“It’s a long story. Ray and Mikey were caught; can you give me a ride back to the diner?” I pleaded.

“Yeah, sure, we were actually on our way there now. We had ran out and got some… supplies from Battery City. We figured you guys could use some,” Electric spoke up as I quickly climbed through the window and into the backseat.

I nodded as Adele reached down in a bag on the floorboard. She came back up and handed me a bottle of cool water. I let out a sigh of relief as I threw the water against my lips, letting some pour down my neck, “There’s a box next to you behind my seat with some sunscreen in it, you might want to use some on your face, it’s almost the same color as you hair,” Electric joked half heartedly.

Adele and Electric were about to open their doors when I stopped them, “Wait… Ray guns out,” I growled, sliding out of the Trans Am. I clicked my ray gun out from its holster, walking cautiously to the front door- the others doing the same.

It was opened just a crack when it was always closed… and locked. Nudging it open, I slid through the door and into the diner, the others following close behind me.

I looked around the room, a booth was slid to the right of the door and some of the tables were knocked over. The scent of fresh rubber indicated that dracs had been here. I held my gun tighter, tilting it up a bit, “F.G.? N.D.?” I called out, my eyes scanning the area for any movement.


“Yeah,” I answered, a head poked out and into the hallway hesitantly. I dropped my gun, the others mocking my movements again. It was just Frank. He relaxed his posture when he saw us. Sliding my gun into its holster, he came out of the backroom and running towards us, bringing me into a tight hug.

“Where’s Kobra and Jet?” He asked, I could tell by the redness of his eyes and cheeks that he’d been crying.

“They were taken. Listen to me Frank, I need you to tell me what happened here,” I looked down at him, dead in the eye. After all that’s happened, he has had to grow up a little but sometimes when I look at him, he still looks like a kid.

“There were dracs here and Dawn and I ran out through the backroom’s window to make a run for the emergency Trans Am. For awhile we were okay but then they found us again and shot out our back tires,” tears brimmed his eyes again as he continued, “I tried to save her Gee, I swear. I told her to jump when we turned a corner and she did. They would’ve never seen her if she would’ve just kept running but she came back. She came back and they took her,” he spilled.

“Shit!” I shouted, running a hand through my tangled hair.

“We have to get her back, Gerard,” Frank said, a hint of hate and seriousness in his tone.

I looked back at him as he tried to suppress the twitch in his lip by putting them in a tight line but he could never hide the anger in his eyes. I nodded, holding a firm hand to his shoulder.

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