Chapter Forty Two

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Okay guys, here is Chapter Forty Two. I'm pleased with how fast I was able to finish it, although I had complications uploading, and I have something extremely important I have to talk about in the author's note, so please read that. I have nothing further to say until the end, so enjoy!(:


Wednesday at work was solemn, and my fellow co-workers were polite, as was Mr. Rizzo. The thought that rose me from my bed in the morning was the idea that one day, I would make it to my dream of attending and completing college, and then leave the Chrysler company in which I was employed right now, to find a job that better suited me. That thought kept me  active and bustling through the day; and after I had hopped into my car at the end of a day's work and kicked off my heels momentarily to soothe my screaming toes and ankles, my phone rang unexpectedly in my lap.

It was Marshall, and before I could even control it, my mouth broke into an absent-minded grin.

"Hello?" I greeted him, tucking the phone between my shoulder and ear as I continued to massage my feet.

"Dri?" the familiar voice of Hailie said through the other end of the phone. I heard faint squeals and another female's voice, and after a momentarily crackling, Hailie spoke once more.

"Okay, Dri, now you're on speaker. Whitney and Laney are here with me."

"Hi Dri!" Whitney exclaimed, Laney echoing her.

"Hi guys. What are you doing?" I chuckled.

"We just wanted to see how you were feeling. And we were wondering if you wanted to drop by and hang out with us? Dad wants to see you too," Laney explained.

"Right now?" My eyes flickered to the car's clock. It was 5:17.

"Yeah. We're not doing anything and we're kind of bored. Plus we have a surprise for you," Whitney giggled.

"A surprise? What kind of a surprise?"

"A nice surprise," Hailie played along. "And you won't get to have it unless you come."

"I don't think I'm doing anything tonight, so I'll be there. Of course I want to see my favorite girls."

"Should we tell Dad you're coming?"

"Yeah, tell him." My heart skipped a beat, and sat in my chest, throbbing. It was always a delight to see him, and even after our relationship had aged, he never failed to make my knees weak with the smallest contact.

"Okay. We'll have Joe open the gate for you when you come," Laney assured. "And Dad says drive safe."

"Will do. I'll see you all soon."

We both hung up the line at the same time, and disdainfully, I glanced down at my work clothes. I was too exhausted to take a trip home, change, and then make my way to Marshall's residence, so I slid the beige pumps back onto my feet, smoothed down my ash grey pencil shirt, adjusted the shoulders of my beige top, gripped the steering wheel into my hands, and took the road that would take me where I needed to go.

The security guard let me enter the mansion grounds with a stiff nod and park upon entering, after which I locked the car and strode to the house's door, knocking. There was no need, however. The door was unlocked, and a yell from within summoned me forward into the house. Cracking open the door and stepping in, I closed it quietly behind me and followed the eager childish chortles and female voices to the family room.

Sure enough, Hailie, Whitney, and Laney were all sprawled out on the ground, drawing pens in hand and a small piece of standard paper being passed this and that way. Once my shadow fell over them, they hurriedly shoved the paper away and jumped to their feet.

Wait, what? Me and Eminem?! (An Eminem Fan-Fiction) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now