Book 9⌇17. You Have No Say

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Chapter 17 You have No Say

-Mavis 16 Years Old

I only lost consciousness for a little while because when I opened my eyelids slowly, I saw that I was still in my father's arms. He knelt on the ground, cradling me against him as the words became clearer that was being spoken all around me.

"How did she even get out?" My grandma asked with concern, pacing back and forth behind my father.

My great grandpa stated, "She's not a child and she can make her own decisions...but what the hell would have ever prompted her to leave the safety of the mansion?"

Zak laughed and returned, "You saw how 'safe' the last place we stayed at turned matter where we go, as long as this feud continues to escalate, it's only going to get worse."

"Yes, the life of my daughter is not something these wolves should have ever crossed..." my father's voice was filled with rage, his irises having already shifted to their black rose color. All around me, they continued to argue and debate about what must be done.

When my father finally asked, "Scáth, can you lead us to where they were keeping Mavis?"

His voice was quiet, but he replied, "Sure, but we need to leave soon if you want to catch them before they run." I felt the shift in the energy around us, my eyes glancing around to where Scáth now stood with his demonic features present. The muscles in his wings flexed, ready to depart with whoever was going to follow him.

Slowly, I lifted my arm and placed a shaky hand on my father's forearm. His gaze instantly fell on me, the redness from the crying he'd done lingering on his features. I noticed also that the slits I'd made to my inner wrists were completely sealed shut, confusion overtaking me when everyone turned their attention on me.

"You could have killed yourself," my father's voice was angry, but filled with concern and relief that I was okay and that I had regained consciousness. I knew what he brought up was a very real fact and the events could have played out entirely different, yet I knew I just had to hold on that little bit longer, something inside of me saying to not allow myself to fall into the darkness.

I nodded my head and replied softly, "Alpha Tristan wanted to take me to King Chase...he said he couldn't wait to see your face when I came back in pieces..." I was just overwhelmed that I was actually staring up at my father, something I had thought for a moment that I might never do again after the situation I had found myself in. Tears formed in my eyes, the pain from my broken bones lingered even though the outside wounds had begun to heal, no doubt from the many blood magic wielders in the room.

My father's muscles tensed, his grip on me becoming tighter as he lifted his head and said, "Tristan?!" He flipped, his features changing instantly while he muttered, "They're all going to die. That bitch considers himself an Alpha...slim pickings nowadays and not born into an Alpha bloodline...just like Hendrix."

I shook my head fervently, begging my father, "Don't! We'll be no better than them..."

"You have no say!" My father snapped at me in an instant, "you were almost killed by those sorry excuse for animals and they'll pay for coming after my own blood," he lifted his head once again, nodding toward my great grandpa as everyone else had changed their stances. Zak checked his twin blades, my great grandma and grandma speaking with one another as they moved away from us and to the parlor doors. My grandpa wasn't far behind them, walking right out and not casting a second glance back.

Arlynn nodded to my father and stated, "We'll be ready and standing by."

Scáth's gaze lingered on me and I pleaded with him, "Don't...don't take them to them, please!"

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