Chapter Sixteen ✓

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NOVA SAT WITH HER sick cousin. She sat next to her with a blanket wrapped around her arms which Esme had got her earlier.

The two heard footsteps walk in the room and the brunettes turned to look at each other. They looked straight ahead and saw Rosalie with Jake, and Rose wouldn't stop glaring at the tanned wolf.

Rosalie stayed and stood in the corner, and not wanting the dog around Bella. "Rose. I'm fine, really," Bella said, placing a hand on her stomach.

Rosalie knocked arms with Jacob on the way out.

She strutted away in her heels and Nova licked her lips, shaking her head.

Nova and Bella both watched Jacob take off his leather jacket and sat down on the couch. "I'll leave you two alone," Nova muttered, getting up. Jacob looked at Nova before she walked into the kitchen.

She sat down at the stool, running a hand through her hair. Esme walked over to her and wrapped her arms around her. "Do you want anything to eat?" Esme asked the girl. Nova shook her head, frowning.

"No, thanks, Esme. Not today." Esme planted a kiss on the brunettes head and stepped aside to give her some space.

Alice sat next to her and Jasper sat on the other side of stool. He used his gift and tried calming her down.

He could sense the stress she was under. She suddenly felt calm, like she was compelled to not be stressed out anymore. With Esme being the women she is, she started making food for Nova anyways.

She needed to eat. Esme wanted to make sure Nova got some food in her system today.

"Esme, you don't have to do that." Nova sighed.

"Yes, I do." Esme sent her a smile. Looking down and smiling a little, she decided to get off the stool and help her make something. Carlisle stayed in the kitchen with Alice and Jasper. Rosalie and Emmett went elsewhere. Nova stayed with the Cullen's for the rest of the night.


The pack found out that Bella was pregnant with a demon growing inside her, and they all planned on killing it tonight and stalking them outside of their house. They'll attack at anytime, any place.

Tonight. Jacob stood up to Sam. He took off in his Wolf form then changed in his human form and ran into the woods. He walked slow to the Cullen's and saw their house between the trees. Behind him, he heard a crunch in the leaves. "Whoa," says Seth, as he caught up to Jacob.

Seth looked up to Jacob, and he didn't want to be in Sam's pack if he wasn't there either. He decided to leave and fight for his imprint. He didn't want anything to happen to her or to Bella for that matter.

Bedsides that he was friends with the Cullen's. Jacob looked behind him, seeing if anyone else followed Seth.

"Don't worry, they're not following us." Seth said.

"What do you think you're doing here?"

"I left Sam's pack." A small grin formed on his face. "Go home, Seth." Jacob shook his head.

"I won't stand behind him!"

"Oh, yes you will. I'm not kidding. Get out of here."

"Is that an order? Gonna make me bow down to?" Seth frowned. "I'm not ordering anyone. Look, I'm just going off on my own here, okay? "Great, and I've got your back." Seth said, turning to face the Cullen's place.

"No, you don't!"

Seth turned and made a face at Jacob. "If Sam comes after Bella, are you really ready to fight your own brothers? Your Sister?" Jacob doesn't want the younger wolf to feel that pain if he does. He would have to live with it for the rest of his life. "If it's the right thing to do. Look, I'm not doing it just for me, I'm doing it for Nova."

"Whatever. I'm gonna go give the Cullen's a heads up. Do what you want." With that, Jacob left with Seth standing there and he smiled.

"How cool is this? Two man pack. Two against the world." Seth said. Him and Jacob began to walk the trail to the Cullen's. "You're getting on my nerves Seth." "Oh, I'll shut up. Can do."


Seth stood behind Jacob. Jacob was talking to Edward. Edward was waiting on the porch, Nova was somewhere inside with Alice. Nova needed some fresh air. Getting up from Alice's bed, she headed to the door. "Where do you think you're going?" Alice asked her. Nova turned around. "Um, outside?"

"Hell, you're not. The werewolves could attack at any minute and you won't be safe." Nova shook her head, placing her hand on the door handle. "They won't hurt me, Alice. Trust me."

"That's what you think, Nova. But with rage, with the desire to kill they'll hurt anyone."

"Seth won't hurt me." Alice sighed, giving up. She let Nova walk out the door and she headed downstairs.

She opened up the front door and stepped on their large porch. From afar, Seth could see his imprint on the porch. Then he heard someone else walking towards them. From where Nova was standing, she could make out Seth and Jacobs figures. With the one that was coming, she saw Leah. Her eyes widened, wondering if she should warn the Cullen's that she's here. What's she doing here? Leah hates the Cullen's. Why is she here? All those questions swarmed in Nova's head. She squinted her eyes and tried to make out Seth's face. "Man, I can smell them from all that way out here."

Jacob turned to face her, looking mad and heading straight towards her. Nova watched the three of them were in the forest. "What the hell are you doing here?" Jacob asked Leah.

"I'm not gonna let my little brother get himself killed," Leah said. Seth rolled his eyes. Nova wished she could here what they were talking about. "Go away, Leah!" Seth said, annoyed, "I can take care of myself." "Yeah. You think so proves that you need a babysitter." Seth rolled his eyes again, looking towards Nova.

"Will both of you shut up?" Leah and Seth turned to look at the other wolf. "Did Sam send you?"

"Sam doesn't even know I left." Nova gasped when she heard a wolf's howl. Seth's eyes darted to Nova. "I think he just figured it out."

Leah looked straight. "Jake," Leah said. The wolf's kept howling. "I know what his plan is."

Seth turned to look at his older sibling, and Nova headed back inside and went straight to Cullen's, not ready for there to be a fight. She couldn't imagine both of her families the pack and the vampires fighting each other when all she can do is just watch and wait for the bloodbath to happen.

His Imprint ↠ Seth Clearwater ✓ Where stories live. Discover now