Hogwarts Express: Year 1/Summer

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Amisty gazed around the platform, her eyes widening when she spotted the scarlet steam engine, smoke puffing out in thick, wispy clouds.

Amisty didn't come out of her trance until Harry tapped her lightly on the shoulder, "Come on, let's get on the train,"

She nodded and followed him to the back of the train, where an empty compartment was, lugging her trunk with her.

Amisty handed Echo to Harry so he could put her inside the compartment first, along with Hedwig. Both friends attempted to heave Harry's trunk into the cabin, to no avail.

"Ugh, this is hopeless," Amisty sighed in defeat after trying to push the trunk up once more, only to have it crush Harry's foot.


"Want a hand?" A voice asked right by Amisty's ear, resulting in her leaping backwards with a yelp.

"Yes please" Harry gasped in relief, taking a step back from the dreaded trunk.

"Oi, Fred! C'mere and help!" The stranger called.

When Amisty regained her composure, she turned around, and caught sight of the two red headed twins they had seen cross the barrier before.

"Jumpy, aren't ya," one of the boys commented, chuckling when Amisty stuttered on her words and her face flushed.

Now that they had help, Amisty and Harry's trunks were snuggled in the back of the compartment.

"Thanks," Harry said, brushing his hair out of his eyes.

"Yeah," Amisty smiled, forgetting about her embarrassment for the time being.

"What's that?" One of the boys asked, pointing at Harry's forehead.

Amisty glanced at what they were talking about, not at all stunned to see that it was about the lighting bolt scar.

"Blimey" said the other boy, "Are you-?"

"He is," the first boy answered the question. "Aren't you?"


"Harry Potter" the boys said in unison, the level of wonder in their voice completely even.

Definitely twins.

"Oh him, yes, yes I am" Harry replied.

The boy's eyes widened, and Amisty sent a glance in Harry's direction, it was happening again.

She watched as Harry slowly turned red, before letting out a breath of relief as she heard the boy's mother's voice, calling them down.

The boys glanced at Harry once more, before leaving the compartment and hopping off the train.

Amisty watched as the red headed family talked before everyone boarded the train. The youngest boy, Ron, stood wiggling as his mother cleaned something on his face. She swallowed a laugh. The tall boy she had seen earlier strode towards his family importantly, already in his robes, a bright yellow and red badge shining on his chest.

The twins joked around for a bit, before the tallest boy kissed his mother's cheek, and boarded the train.

Now their mother turned to the twins and seemingly scolded them about something.

Not wanting to pry, she directed her attention elsewhere. That is, until she noticed the twin's eyes light up in excitement, and she motioned for Harry to duck down.

Amisty, although unintentionally, picked up part of the conversation as the little girl exclaimed,

"Oh, Mum, can I go on the train and see him, Mum, oh please..."

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