The First Three Rooms: Year 1

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Immediately three low, thunderous growls reached the group's ears. Even though the dog couldn't see them, it's noses still reached out for them.

Sniffing for the people that dared to enter its territory.

"What's at its feet?" Hermione whispered, her gaze shifting toward a glinting gold shape on the ground.

"Looks like a harp. Snape must have left it there," Ron replied softly.

"It must wake up the moment you stop playing. Well, here goes..." Harry lifted a flute to his lips.

The notes that left from the instrument didn't necessarily come together to make a proper song, but the dog slowly started to drift towards unconsciousness.

Soon enough it fell to the ground with a soft thump, little snores leaving it's mouth.

"Keep playing," Ron hissed as they tugged the Cloak off and slinked toward the trapdoor with light feet.

Amisty padded after them, keeping her head and tail low even though she was the least likely to be seen.

The dog's breath billowed around their feet, as hot as the air around a fire.

"I think we'll be able to pull the door open. Want to go first, Hermione?" Ron asked, glancing over the dog's back.

"No, I don't!" Hermione hissed, glaring daggers at him.

"Alright," Ron grounded his teeth together, stepped delicately over the front legs of the dog, and hovering over the trapdoor.

He tugged on the ring, stepping back as it swung open.

"What can you see?" Hermione asked, peering over his shoulder.

Amisty crawled to the space inbetween his legs, curling her paws around the edge of the opening and staring down at the darkness below.

There was a faint outline of something that resembled leaves.

"Nothing -- just black -- there's no way of climbing down, we'll just have to drop," Ron replied, taking a step back.

Harry waved wildly, grabbing the attention of Ron.

He pointed to himself while playing the flute.

"You want to go first? Are you sure? I don't know how deep this thing goes. Give the flute to Hermione so she can keep him asleep," Ron replied.

Quickly, he handed the flute to Hermione.

The pause of silence woke the dog from it's slumber, and it twitched slightly.

Though, the second Hermione started the playing once again, it fell back asleep.

"Amisty," Harry called, holding out his hand to the she-wolf, "C'mere."

She trotted toward him with light paws, her head tilted slightly to the side to show her confusion. He wrapped his arm around her.

"I'm going to carry you down there. Judging by how little we can see you couldn't make that jump without help," He explained, cradling her close to his chest.

She nodded, tucking her paws close to her chest so it was easier. He crawled over and slid down until he was hanging by his fingertips.

"If anything happens to me, don't follow. Go straight to the owlery and send Hedwig to Dumbledore, right?" He looked up at Ron, his voice serious.

"Right," Ron replied.

"See you in a minute, I hope..." And he let go.

Without her control, a yelp of fear escaped Amisty's throat. Cool, sticky air rushed through her fur as they fell down, further and further, until they landed with a soft thump.

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