A Legend...: Year 2

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Amisty and Hermione were darting around the library, searching for Hogwarts: A History in every nook and cranny.

Right then, Amisty was hanging from one of the shelves precariously, her fingers turning white as she struggled to keep a firm hold.

Inching over to the edge, she ran her gaze over the titles one last time and then dropped to the floor.

"Nothing here," She whispered to Hermione, sighing in a mixture of frustration and defeat.

"There's nothing over here either," She poked her brown-haired head out of the corner where she had been looking. "I'll ask Madame Pince how long the waiting list is if you go find Harry and Ron?"

"Sure," Amisty nodded, relieved she wasn't the one to speak with the severe and strict librarian.

Like many of the other students in Hogwarts, she wasn't too fond of her.

Hermione disappeared in the close-set shelves, heading off toward the center of the library. Amisty listened closely, catching the slightly muffled sound of Harry and Ron's voices from a little ways away.

Following the noise, she walked toward it, soon catching sight of the two sitting at a table.

Ron was working away at a long scroll, Harry measuring his own.

"Still working on your History of Magic homework?" She asked, taking a seat in one of the four chairs.

"Eight inches short..." Ron muttered irritably, looping his handwriting to take up most of the paper.

"If you indent your next paragraph you should be able to fill all the rest you need," She pointed from around the middle of where there was no writing toward the end of the scroll.

"I hadn't thought of that, thanks," Ron replied, giving her a small smile.

It was then that Hermione joined them, looking very annoyed. She sat down next to Amisty, letting out a vexed sigh.

"All the copies of Hogwarts: A History have been taken out. And there's a two-week waiting list. I wish I hadn't left my copy at home, but I couldn't fit it in my trunk with all the Lockhart books," Hermione groaned, head falling into her hands.

"Why do you want it?" Harry asked curiously, rolling up his own scroll as he had finished measuring it.

"The same reason everyone else wants it, to read up on the legend of the Chamber of Secrets," Amisty replied, scratching the table as she tried to think of another way to learn about it.

"What's that?" Harry asked again.

"That's just it. I can't remember. And we can't find the story anywhere else," She looked up at Amisty at the word 'we', biting her lip.

"Hermione, let me read your composition," Ron piped up suddenly, still having a few more inches left.

"No, I won't. You've had ten days to finish it -- " Hermione shook her head, her tone slathered in scolding.

"I only need another two inches, come on -- " Ron pleaded, only to be interrupted by the bell.

Amisty picked up her textbooks, she had left them on the table before she went book hunting with Hermione, and followed after them as they headed off to History of Magic.

Ron and Hermione were arguing the entire way, Ron begging to let him copy and Hermione disproving at the mere topic.

They took their normal seats toward the middle of the room, already half the class was starting to drift to sleep.

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