The New School

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My alarm clock rocks me from sleep, causing me to shove my face further into my pillow. When the incessant noise doesn't stop, I open my eyes and press my phone to stop it.

I know it's time to get ready for school, because I have to be there even earlier than normal to get my schedule.

Rolling out of bed, I slide out of my pajamas and begin to throw on a gray shirt with pineapples on it and some dark blue jeans. I fix my hair in the bathroom, brushing it out then ruffling it until it looks good enough.

I finish brushing my teeth, forgetting breakfast, and I run downstairs to get my backpack ready. Alejandro and I started collecting my school supplies last night so I'm almost done.

I notice a paper sack on the counter, strolling over to it once I'm done gathering my school stuff. It's a packed lunch. A sticky note on the side reads:

"Hi, Camila! I made this lunch for you because I won't be here when you head off to school. I leave for work at 5 in the morning and I'll be back around 3 in the afternoon. Have a great day! Love, Alejandro/Dad (maybe)"

I smile at the lunch sack, stuffing it into my backpack as well so I don't have to go through the awful line for lunch.

I grab my jacket, slipping it on before putting on my backpack and walking out the door.

The brisk yet warm air of October caresses my face, leaving my arms with goosebumps. I had Alejandro give me the way to school last night so I know where I'm going.

My new school comes into view pretty quickly, much to my surprise. This is a much faster walk than the one in Seattle.

The school is a large, two-story building. It's really pretty, actually. The walls are painted white and two huge black columns hold up an extended roof to keep rain from getting on the students.

Students float around the doors, waiting for the bell to ring. I know that I have about twenty minutes to get my schedule before all hell breaks loose.

I approach the doors, reading the brass sign that says 'office' in bold print. I open the doors, following the sign. I soon find the office, opening the glass door slowly.

"Any new students today, Miss Janet?" A short girl asks the lady at the desk, standing on her tip-toes to see over the desk.

"Yes, Ally. There is one." Miss Janet responds, looking down at some papers. I let the door close behind me, making the two girls look at me.

"Hello." I say tenderly, feeling extremely small at this moment. I'm not good with meeting new people.

"Are you Karla Cabello?" Miss Janet asks, pushing her thin wire glasses back up on her nose.

"Yes, but I go by Camila." I explain shyly, wringing my hands nervously.

"Nice to meet you, Camila." Miss Janet smiles, looking down at Ally. Ally is very pretty, she has brown hair with golden highlights in it and a nice complexion.

"I came by to get my schedule." I say quietly, raising my eyes to meet Miss Janet's blue ones.

"I guessed." She smiles softly, pulling out a sheet of paper and handing it to me. "Here you go."

"Thank you." I smile, taking the paper with shaky hands. Ally keeps her eyes on me.

"Ally here will show you around to your classes." Miss Janet explains, gesturing to the short girl beside me.

"Yes, I will." Ally pipes up, her voice light. She grins at me, placing her hand on the small of my back. "What is your first class?"

I glance down at my paper, ignoring the heat her touch gives my cheeks. "English with Ms. Gomez." I announce, looking back up at Ally.

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