Running Free

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"Hey, where are you going, mija?" Alejandro asks as I'm opening the door, fixing my jacket's collar.

"Can't I go out on a Saturday afternoon?" I retort with a smile, feeling in a lot better mood due to Lauren and I's conversation yesterday.

"Yes, you can." Alejandro laughs softly, grabbing his keys off the hook near the refrigerator. "Do you need a driver?"

I rub my chin playfully, stuffing my hands into my pockets afterwards. "I suppose. It would be easier to drive than to walk. But if she says no, you can't say anything or ask any questions."

"Who are we picking up?" Alejandro inquires, exiting the house with me. It isn't raining out today, thankfully, but it is chilly. I hop in the passenger seat while Alejandro turns the car on.

"You'll see." I tease him, the shadow of a smirk dancing along my lips.

"Is it, like, a date or...?" Alejandro lets his words trail off, making my cheeks flush bright red. He laughs at my reaction.

"No!" I exclaim, my face burning hot. "It's just that Lauren and I haven't hung out in a while so I guessed today would be a good day to do that."

"Oh, really?" Alejandro seems surprised, lifting his eyebrows. "I thought you guys were good?"

"We are." I lie, my face cooling down slightly. Now, thanks to Dad, I'm going to be thinking of this outing as a date the whole time and start over-analyzing everything. "She's just been busy with school."

"Hmm," Alejandro hums, nodding his head slowly. "I bet she's a good student."

"Yeah, she's super smart." I smile fondly, imagining the green eyed girl. My grin only grows when we reach her house.

"I'll be right back." I jump out of the car, crossing the front of the vehicle and skipping up to her front door. I knock twice, clasping my hands behind my back afterwards.

After about a minute, the door opens. Lauren stands in the door frame, her face turned the opposite way as she is glaring at someone down the corner. She then huffs and turns to face me. Her features go slack when she sees me.

"Hi." I squeak, smiling.

"Hey." Lauren flashes a crooked smile, yet I can tell she's scared of something—it's floating behind her facade. "What's up?"

I'm about to answer when a feminine voice yells from inside the house. "Who is it?" The same terror flickers in Lauren's eyes when she hears the voice.

"No one!" Lauren calls back, jumping out of her house after slipping her shoes on and shutting the door behind her. "Anyway, what are you doing here?"

"I came by to ask if you'd like to go hang out with me." I offer, gesturing to my dad's car behind me, parked on the side of the street.

"You could of just texted me." Lauren giggles softly, the noise making my heart do actual backflips against my ribcage. Her small smile then disappears. "But I probably shouldn't go."

"Why not?" I frown, feeling a wave of sorrow sweep over me.

"My parents..." Lauren's sentence sticks to her tongue, not fully making it out. She just gestures to her door and sighs. "I can't go."

"Please?" I pout, jutting out my bottom lip. "It will be fun. We can run around and—"

"Hold up, where are you going to take me?" Lauren asks, furrowing her eyebrows gently. "I thought we were just going back to your house."

"No way." I smile mischievously. "I would be taking you to IKEA."

"IKEA?" Lauren laughs for a brief second, running a hand through her hair. "Sounds like a great time but I'm not too sure..."

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