Trust & The Stumble

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Just as Camila requested, I headed straight home after school, dropped off my backpack, and started on my way to the park.

She didn't say anything about bring anything else than just me so I'm assuming I don't need anything. I can never tell with Camila.

I check my phone as I walk. One text from Dinah.

34 minutes ago: FinahDinah: God, Lauren. When you don't respond to me for that long, it scares me.

Oops. I quickly text back, pouting and frowning through my words. Shoving my phone away, I cross the street.

I feel so awful. I'm such a bad person. Who the hell abandons their friends in a time of need for their own selfish reasons? Me, that's who.

I can't even wrap my mind around the idea that she still wants to hang out with me. I'm not complaining, though. I'm super lucky to have her and I'm thankful I haven't lost my chance.

Faintly, I can see the park. No body seems to be around, just a few children and their parents. I can see a familiar figure standing near the lamppost by the opening to the park.


My jacket is dangling off her torso and I smile softly at the fact that she's still wearing it. Maybe I've actually done some good for once.

Her hair is blowing gently in the breeze and her face is soft and fragile as she gazes around, looking for something—most likely me. Her eyes wide with hope and wonder.

Polar opposites is what we are.

If I was waiting for someone, I wouldn't be gazing around so carelessly with my features gentle. I know that my face would be hardened into stone and my eyes daggers. It's just who I am.

But seeing her like this makes me want to reinvent myself. She has this blanket-like aura to her and I love it. I'm always comfortable around her and she makes me happy.

She clearly hasn't noticed me yet, as she pulls out her phone and her thumbs begin to go crazy on the screen.

As she puts her phone away, my phone dings. Chuckling, I pull the device out.

Right now: Camzzzz: Hey. You almost here?

I laugh and instead of responding to the message, I put my phone in my back pocket and yell in her direction, "yeah!"

She slowly lifts her head and furrows her eyebrows as she looks for me. When her chocolate eyes land on me, a smile spreads across her face.


I jog the few feet between us and wave like a dork. "Hey."

"Okay," she has this mischievous glint in her eyes that make my heart race. "You ready?"

"For?" I hum, confused.

She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a black piece of cloth. "The trust exercise. Duh." She rolls her eyes at me.

"Ohh," I nod. "But what's the trust exercise going to be?"

"Since you were saying in science that you think I don't trust you, I'm going to prove you wrong." Camila explains, smiling as she ties the black cloth over her eyes and around her head.

I don't say anything as she continues to speak. "You're going to lead me through the forest and back without touching me, but just speaking."

"Okay..." I don't sound very confident in this but anything for Camila. "You're already the clumsiest person I know so if you fall, it isn't my fault."

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