Flirting & Worry

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I groggily roll to my side, wiping my eyes when I see the time. 5 a.m. Lovely. Time to get ready for school. I don't really want to get ready for school because I don't want to go.

The week's almost done, anyway. Can't the universe cut me some slack?

I'm about to give into sleep's calling when I hear my phone beep with a notification. I blink my eyes open and grab my phone.

The bright screen hurts my eyes in the dark but I pry them open because it's from Lauren.

Right now: Emerald Eyes: Sleepyhead, you want to walk to school with me? I'll be ready in 5?

I inwardly groan, crinkling my nose and squeezing my eyes shut. I don't want to go to school but I want to walk with Lauren because... well, Lauren.

My phone: I don't want to go to school. Why don't you just come over and we can sleep together?

I send it and the second I do, I regret it. I immediately type a follow-up text.

My phone: Not like that. Like, rest together because waking up at 5 a.m for school is hard.

Oh god. I should really make a note that tells me that sleepy-Camila isn't the best at speaking her words and shouldn't be allowed her phone.

My phone vibrates with another message a minute or so later.

Right now: Emerald Eyes: As much as I would love to, it's Thursday. Come on, it won't be that bad. Meet me outside.

Much to my displeasure, I get out of bed. Blindly, I peel my clothes off and grab a shirt and some pants. I don't know if they match or not but I don't really care.

I wobble down the stairs, fixing my hair as I stumble. Shoving my lunch bag into my backpack, I head out the door.

The cold air hits my face and I grimace. I see Lauren standing behind the step, like she was just about to step up. She's typing something on her phone.

"Good morning." I grumble, shutting the door behind me.

Lauren lifts her eyes and smiles when she sees me. She stops typing and puts her phone away.

"Good morning, Camz." She grins but her smile falters when she sees my clothing choices. "What are you wearing?"

"Umm," I say, looking down at my mint green shirt and gray jeans. "Clothes?"

Lauren laughs softly, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Here." She takes her backpack off, sliding her jacket off and handing it to me. "Keep it."

I take the jacket, looking it over. It's black and on one side of it it has the words 'The 1975' in white block letters. On the back, it's the cover for their newest album.

"All day?" I ask, dropping my backpack and slipping the jacket on my body to hide my green shirt. I zip it up, feeling much warmer.

"However long you'd like." Lauren shrugs and before I can say 'thank you', she gestures to the sidewalk. "Come on, school starts in thirty minutes."

"Not more walking." I complain, jutting our my bottom lip.

"You're so stubborn at 6 a.m." Lauren smiles faintly. She opens her arms and at first, I'm thinking she is asking for a hug but then she says, "I'll carry you but you can't complain for the rest of the day."

I narrow my eyes at the girl. "For the whole day?" She nods and I sigh. "Fine."

She picks me up so my legs are wrapped around her waist and my arms are snaked around her neck. She holds onto me by my thighs and I rest my face in her neck.

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