The Demons Of Her Past

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It's been a week. A whole week.

I get up occasionally to use the bathroom, shower, or brush my teeth. Alejandro normally brings food up for me and sometimes I'll join him for breakfast. But mostly, I lay in my bed all day and try to sleep forever.

My phone dings on my nightstand once again and I don't even bother looking at it. I haven't gone to school since the day my mother died. I'm sure my friends are worried but that's the least of my thoughts right now.

Alejandro been the same way. He is clearly upset, as well, but he seems more together than I have been lately. My trashcan beside my bed is full of tissues and my pillows seem to have permanent tear stains.

Suddenly, my phone starts ringing. I ignore it until the missed call icon has popped up on my screen. I then proceed to grab my phone and scroll through my endless texts.

Last Tuesday at 4:06 pm: Cheechee: Yo, did we have homework for history?

Last Tuesday at 4:56 pm: Cheechee: you dead? If so, I'll just ask Mani. It's fine.

Last Tuesday at 5:34 pm: Emerald Eyes: What happened to texting me?

Last Tuesday at 7:03 pm: Emerald Eyes: Dinah said you haven't been responding to her either. What's up?

Last Tuesday at 7:13 pm: Mani: Mila, Lauren is concerned. Answer so I can shower. Thank you.

Last Tuesday at 9:47 pm: Emerald Eyes: see you tomorrow.

Last Wednesday at 9:04 am: Emerald Eyes: Where are you?

Last Wednesday at 10:57 am: Sunshine Ally: didn't see you this morning. Dinah is stressed out. Lauren skipped second period.

Last Wednesday at 2:05 pm: Emerald Eyes: Fine. If you won't talk to me, I won't talk to you.

Last Thursday at 5:39 pm: Emerald Eyes: I'm sorry. Are you okay? Is it me?

Last Friday at 11:04 am: Cheechee: well, R.I.P. Mani says you're dead. Love you xx

Last Friday at 11:09 am: Cheechee: I'm just kidding, by the way. I do love you, though. So like answer or something.

Sunday at 3:03 pm: Sunshine Ally: I'm not supposed to be texting in church but this is important. Whatever is going on, we need to know.

Yesterday at 4:58 am: Emerald Eyes: if you're not at school today, I swear, Camz.

Today at 6:30 am: Emerald Eyes: I miss you.

Missed call: Emerald Eyes

I sigh, setting my phone down but before I can let go, it vibrates in my hand. I turn it around wearily.

Right now: Emerald Eyes: I'm coming over. I'm skipping classes and I'll be over in 10 minutes. I don't care anymore, Camz. I care for you.

Burying my face in my pillow, I cover myself in the blanket and try to sleep through it all. But sleep doesn't come easy. So, I end up sitting with my blankets around my shoulders and my face down at the ground.

"Camila," Alejandro yells from downstairs. "Lauren is here for you. I'm sending her up; it will be good for you!"

I don't answer, just continue to stare at my bedsheets. Then, like a gift in disguise, the door opens.

"Camz," Lauren sounds pissed, throwing her hands into the air after she shuts the door. "What the hell? What's going on?"

I shrug, not able to meet her eyes. She fixes her gaze on me, her frame softening. "Are you okay?"

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