The Gift Of A Lifetime

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"I can't wait until everything goes back to normal." Normani says as we leave our last period.

"Yeah?" I hum, my eyes scanning the crowd for a familiar figure. I'm supposed to meet her outside the gym doors.

"Yeah," Normani pouts. "I always liked when Laur would wait for my dance practice and then we'd normally go get pizza. But you'll probably start dating Lauren—"

"Shut up!" I hiss, glancing around at everyone who could've heard.

"No, it's cute." Normani smiles, bumping into me purposely. "But I know that Dinah hates waiting and she just wants to go home immediately. I don't know who will wait for me anymore."

I hear footsteps behind me but I focus on Normani. "Why don't you mingle with more people? Get into a relationship? You said that Lucy was cute—"

"I'm cute?" Lucy's voice fills my ears. She giggles, her eyes fixed on my face. We pass by the gym doors right as they open.

Another voice fills the air. "Uh, Camz is the cutest." Arms wrap around my waist from behind and I smile because I know it's Lauren.

Lucy shifts her eyes to meet Lauren's. Lauren looks surprised. Lucy then drops her eyes and mutters a, "I got to go", before walking away.

"I thought it was Dinah." Lauren murmurs, her features soft and tender. "She's always saying she is cute."

"She's full of herself but that's why we love her." Normani laughs, quickly shutting herself up when she sees Dinah and Ally approaching us.

"Mila!" Dinah yells, sprinting over, leaving Ally to scramble after her. "I'll walk home with you since Lauren will be going with Ally."

"But aren't you going to wait for me?" Normani frowns.

Dinah's features go slack as she remembers the plans in which were already set. "Oh, yeah. Don't worry, I'll wait for you. It's okay." Dinah casts me an apologetic smile.

"We should get going." Ally says, checking her phone for the time.

"Okay," Lauren says, kissing my cheek before letting go of my waist. "Camz, do you want to walk with us?"

"Yeah, I'll walk out with you but then I have to get home." I explain, bidding goodbye to Dinah and Normani.

We exit the school through the large, glass front doors. I say goodbye to Lauren and Ally. They walk in the opposite direction of the way of my house. I've never really paid attention to the other side of the neighborhood.

I wonder who else lives over there.



After a surprisingly brisk walk, Ally leads me to her home. It's a small, cozy place, it's panels red and door white. Cute little metal gnomes sprinkle the green grass. White flowers poke through and reach up at the sun.

"Both cars are in the driveway," Ally says as we reach the door. "That means both of my parents are home."

My nerves are starting to get to me and I begin wringing my hands. Ally notices and hums softly, "hey, it's okay. You're okay."

I nod, swallowing down my doubts and putting on a fake smile. The smile becomes more and more real as I look down at my phone to see a text from Camila.

Right now: Camzzzz: If things don't work out at Ally's, you can always come back here. My dad says he would be down. Call me afterward.

I teasingly text back.

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