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The next year (March)

"Can you come over?" I ask into my phone, my legs dangling over the back of the couch and my head upside down near the ground.

"Uh, yeah." Lauren's voice streams in through the speaker. "Give me a few. I'm doing the laundry."

"Okay, see you soon." I make an obnoxious kissing noise before hanging up the phone.

Alejandro walks in, handing me a cup of warm tea. I sit upright and gratefully take a sip of it. "I'm sorry Sofi went without you."

"It's okay." I shrug, exhaling into the mug. "I'm really glad she got to go."

In the month of February, Sofi and Sarah went up to Seattle to see my mother's grave. Sofi didn't tell me because I had finals that week and she didn't want me to fail any, which is super considerate, but I would've loved to go.

Dad looks over at me, his eyes sincere. "You have enough for both tickets? If not, I'd be glad to lend you—"

"No, Dad. It's okay. I have enough money. I've worked my ass off for this." I assure him. "Plus, we don't even know if Lauren will be able to come. I really want her to, though."

Alejandro looks at me with prideful eyes. He sighs. "You're growing up."

"I've spent my whole life growing up." I remind him. He rolls his eyes but smiles anyway.

"I know. I know. It just seemed so fast, you know? I lost so much time with you and your sister because I made a stupid mistake. And I still regret it to this day." He hangs his head and I scoot closer to him, patting his knee.

"It's okay, Dad. There's no need to mope about the past—you can't change it. Stop worrying about what you lost and enjoy what you have." I smile tenderly at him.

The older man grows a grin on his face. "Have I told you how amazing you are?"

"You don't have to." I assure him, nodding. "I already know.

He laughs and takes a drink of his tea. Someone then knocks on the door. I jump up and answer it.

"Lauren!" I beam, jumping into the arms of my girlfriend.

"Hi, Camz!" She grins, squeezing me tightly. I step aside so she can come in. She sees my father sitting on the couch and waves politely. "Hey, Alejandro."

"Hey, kiddo!" Dad grins at Lauren who kicks off her shoes and claps once, clasping her hands together afterwards.

"So what's up?" She asks, looking over to me—most likely for answers. "If you just invited me over for some of your famous pasta, then I'm so down."

I crinkle my nose. "I thought you didn't like pasta."

"I can make exceptions. Okay?" Lauren lifts her eyebrows innocently which makes me laugh.

"If that's what you'd like, I can do that." Alejandro offers, shrugging. Lauren nods vigorously. My dad laughs. "Alright. Consider it done."

"Way cool." Lauren drawls. She takes a seat by me and looks over to me when I clear my throat.

Glancing over to my father who smiles softly at me, I say, "So I have a question."

"Alright." My girlfriend hums.

"So, I was curious if you'd want to go on a trip with me—it would just be us." I start off slowly and Lauren's facial features turn excited.

"Where?" She asks, resting her hand on my forearm subconsciously.

Say You Won't Let Goजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें