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"It's my favorite little shark number two!" Dinah squeals when she sees me, snatching me by my waist and pulling me close.

"Who told you about that? Oh, and hi." I smile softly, relaxing into her. Students shuffle by as we wait for school to begin. "Where's Lo?"

"Your dad. I stopped by yesterday, but you weren't there. He was looking through a photo album. Got it out of this postal box. You were a cute shark. Anyways, haven't seen her. She's probably with Alexa or Vero. Don't know." Dinah shrugs, her shoulder rolling against my jawline. She says it so dismissively, it takes me by surprise.

"Wow, thanks. You're not worried?" I inquire. A few weeks ago, if Lauren wasn't here or anywhere to be seen, she would've been hysterically texting her and stressing about it.

"Surprisingly, no. She's been happier lately." Dinah smiles, squeezing me tightly before letting me go. "I don't know why, but I honestly don't care. As long as she is happy."

Lately? Lauren and I have been hanging out a lot more recently and more frequently. Is Lauren happier because of me?

No way, right?

"Yeah, of course." I beam, because, of course, all I want is Lauren to be at her happiest. Still don't like the idea of her with somebody else, however, but what can I do about it?

"Do you happen to know why she is acting all strange?" Dinah furrows her eyebrows slightly to show confusion. "Because she definitely isn't telling me."

Shocked to the news of Lauren not communicating with Dinah, I gape. "No, she hasn't said anything to me, either. Maybe it's a secret?"

"The thing with Lauren and secrets is that she takes them to the grave. Trust me." The cold gleam in Dinah's eyes makes me shudder. Before I can say anything, she starts talking again. "I think you're hiding something from me, as well."

My heart drops and it definitely doesn't bounce back; now and not anytime soon. I can feel my palms grow uncomfortably warm and I take a deep breath to soothe myself. "You're wrong. I'm not hiding anything."

"Mila, don't think I can't tell." Dinah frowns, almost disappointed. "I know you. Tell me. What is—"

The bell rings and everyone starts pushing past us and around us. Dinah waves goodbye and she goes with the flow of the students to her direction of her classroom. I call out a goodbye and hurry to my class.

Maybe Lauren will be there.

The door practically opens for me when I run into it and I see Lucy unpacking her stuff at our desk. I rap my fingertips across her part of the desk as I walk over to my seat. She lifts her head and smiles widely when we connect gazes.

"If it isn't the lovely Camila Cabello?" Lucy beams, zipping up her backpack.

"Well, thank you." I nod, casting a quick glance over at Lauren's empty desk. Gone. Luis looks bored, his head slumped in his palm. I have to fight myself to keep my eyes from rolling.

"It's only the truth." Lucy hums, watching me as I sit down. I try to hide the disappointment on my face with a small smile but it's hard. "You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm good." I lie. I can't help but worry, which is probably stupid but I can't help it. It all seemed fine yesterday but a lot can change in a night.

"If you need anything, let me know." Lucy assures me but I'm only half-listening. All my attention is focused on the door.

The tardy bell ringing feels like a knife to the heart.


"Walz!" Dinah yells when I sit down in my seat in history. I jump from the unexpected scream—but, honestly, why am I not entirely surprised?

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