After School

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I have my arm wrapped around Normani's waist, her arm slung around my shoulders and we are swaying back and forth childishly.

"Mani," I say, trying to step on her foot but she moves it too quickly. "Have you seen Lauren today?"

"Only at lunch when she ran off. We don't have any classes together." Normani answers, her eyes glued on attempting to squish my foot. I move before she can accomplish her goal.

"Wait, really?" I inquire, this being new information to me.

"Yeah, she has english and science with you and math with Ally but Dinah and I have no classes with her. Why?" Normani explains, looking over at me.

Guilt swarms my stomach. I'm not going to tell Normani about the incident in the bathroom today. Only Dinah. Lauren clearly doesn't trust Normani enough and, as much as that must hurt her, I want to respect her opinion.

"No reason." I blurt out, trying to make it appear as if I'm alright and everything is just peachy. It really isn't.

"She was in science, right?" Normani asks, concern seeping into her words.

"Yeah." I lie, remembering leaving the bathroom and walking back to science class to expect to her there. Except, she wasn't in her seat.

"Okay, good. I just want to make sure she is okay." Normani smiles softly at me, stopping in front of the gym doors.

"Yeah, I'm sure, she is fine." I choke out, the lies spewing from my mouth seem to coat my lips with poison. Sooner or later, I'll lick my lips and get a taste of my own poison.

The gym doors open, revealing the green eyed beauty. She has her hood on to cover her marks, but I know the truth. She has scars hidden deep within her.

"Hey, Laur. Ready to go?" Normani greets Lauren cheerfully, a smile on her lips. Lauren nods without saying anything.

"I'll text you later, okay?" I say to Lauren, my eyes as soft as a cloud. She doesn't look at me or say anything at all. She doesn't even acknowledge that she knows I'm here.

"Better get to dance class." Normani announces, turning to me. "I'll see you, Mila."

"See you." I wave half-heartedly, taking a deep breath. Lauren doesn't wave goodbye to me. It's like I'm invisible to her.

The pair takes off in the opposite direction, their bodies close. I don't leave to go outside; I watch them disappear around the corner.

After they are out of view, I sigh loudly and turn to walk to the front doors. Dinah is waiting for me outside, like always. Before I can reach the door, I feel a hand grab my shoulder.

I want it to be Lauren with every fiber of my body. I don't care about the pain her words will cause me and herself. The flutter she gives my heart and the way she makes me feel is worth it.

"Where do you think you're going?" Austin's voice grumbles, whipping me around to face him.

He has a large bruise on his cheek—the size of my fist. It has swollen a bit around his eye but is mostly along his cheek and jaw.

"Home." I snap, rolling my eyes and turning myself around but he stops me by grabbing my arms tightly.

"In your dreams." He growls, his eyes flaming with rage. I feel my heart rate speed up, his fingernails pressing into my skin lightly.

"Let me go." I hiss, trying to yank myself away but he just tightens his grip which makes his knuckles go white. I whimper under my breath.

"You're going to pay for this bruise you gave me, Cabello." Austin sneers, pulling me closer to his face. I can see how dull and ugly his eyes are. I fight back another whimper as our noses almost touch.

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