Bathroom Stalls & Changing Times

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Yawning, I enter my high school. I haven't heard from Lauren since our date last night. I texted her but she didn't respond. Maybe she fell asleep before she could see it.

Or she didn't enjoy our date.

I shake that thought off, pushing back people to get to first period.

I didn't see Dinah or Lauren anywhere this morning either. I wonder if they're late. Probably. Probably slept too late, knowing them.

"Mila!" A cheery voice says as someone bounds over to me. I look over and tilt my head down.

"Hi, Ally!" I grin.

"Do you want to walk with me to english?" Ally asks, bumping into me friendly.

"'Course." I reply, dipping my head.

Together, we mosey to class. Troy comes by and joins us, kissing Ally goodbye before we enter the classroom.

Ally and I part when we enter the room. My eyes immediately start searching for Lauren but I don't see her. An opaque look of disappointment lays on my face as I go sit by Lucy.

"Hi." She smiles, waving slightly. The second we meet eyes, a wave of guilt washes over me and I remember what I forgot.

I run a hand through my hair. "Frick, I'm so sorry. I meant to text you but I got busy and—"

Lucy laughs softly, placing her hand close to my arm. Her fingertips grace my skin. I don't move my arm because I don't want to be rude. Plus, she's warm.

"It's okay. I fell asleep early, anyway. Too much Netflix can do that to you." Lucy smiles and I reflect it.

"Honestly, I can relate. I watch Netflix like it's my religion." I joke, forgetting to watch the door for Lauren and averting my attention to the girl beside me.

"You must be good at your religion because God clearly blessed you." Lucy murmurs under her breath so quietly, I barely hear it. "Me too! We should meet up and merge Netflix shows and times."

"Yeah?" I nod, which makes Lucy beam. "I'll just need to remember to text you."

"Here," Lucy puts a singular finger into the air, telling me to wait. She leans to her backpack and pulls out a pen. "I'll write it on your hand."

"Okay." I offer her my hand and she takes it. She begins to ink words onto my skin, which tickles and makes me giggle under my breath. Lucy notices my giggling and looks up to grin.

"And.... done!" She exclaims, setting her pen down. I look at the side of my hand and it says in glittery purple: don't forget to text Lucy :)

"Now, I won't forget." I assure her, smiling. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a familiar flash of colors and the scent of light vanilla falls over me.


My eyes catch onto her as she sits in her seat. She wears some ripped black pants and one of Dinah's shirts. Her hair is tousled to the side and she looks really tired, but not the kind orbiting sleep.

"So, Camila..." Lucy nervously clasps her hands together and her eyes dart to the desk. "I've been meaning to tell you this—"

"Hold that thought," I blurt out, not even looking at the girl beside me. Lucy let's out a sigh when I get to my feet.

I sneak through the desks, shushing Ally when I pass her desk. I don't want anyone giving away my stance. Luis is chatting Lauren up. I roll my eyes.

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